
My wild weekend sieging New World forts made me love its PVP


The moment I spied a horde of enemy players swarming through the trees flanking Keep Brightwood, I knew we were in trouble. All along the fort’s parapets were New World players like me—purple-clad enlistees who had responded to a call to arms in the form of all-caps messages spammed into our faction chat begging every Syndicate player to drop what they were doing and head to Brightwood. Like any good soldier, I answered the call.

Our mission was simple: Raise so much hell that we destabilized the whole zone and then issue a formal declaration of war against its current owners, a Marauder company known as GRIT. First we’d capture Keep Brightwood, and then groups of high-level players belonging to my faction, the Syndicate, would begin grinding nearby PVP missions until we hit the threshold required to trigger a proper war and potentially flip the zone to our control. While that was happening, low-level scrubs like me were stuck on guard duty making sure no one retook the fort. It seemed easy at first. Now it looked like a death sentence.


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