Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #124 features the arrival of one of the strangest teams of mutants the Splinter Clan has ever encountered.
WARNING: The following contains major spoilers for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #124, on sale now from IDW Publishing.
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have always had a number of terrifying foes to face off against. From Shredder and the Foot Clan to hellish interdimensional corporatists, it seems like there is no threat that the Heroes in a Half Shell haven’t dealt with. However, there is another situation waiting just around the corner as one of the strangest teams of mutants makes their way to the home town of the Splinter Clan: The Punk Frogs.
Despite all the recent action that the heroes have seen recently, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #124 (by Kevin Eastman, Tom Waltz, Sophie Campbell, Ken Garin, Ronda Pattison, Shawn Lee, and Bobby Curnow) is an unexpectedly somber affair. With the three young Weasels having been lured away by Old Hob, the Splinter Clan is left wandering the alleys while posting flyers around Mutant Town in the hopes that someone will point them in the right direction. Luckily, they aren’t the only ones on the hunt for the mutant children, as Oroku Saki, the former Shredder, has taken up the same cause. While the Weasels are eventually found, no one notices the new mutants who have quietly slinked into town.
First introduce all the way back in 1988’s “Invasion of the Punk Frogs” from the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated series, the Punk Frogs were an accidental byproduct of a shipment of Mutagen lost in the Florida Everglades. When discovered by the Foot Clan, the frogs were put to work menacing the Turtles until they realized their mistake and joined the Splinter Clan. In the years since, the Punk Frogs have scantily appeared in various other stories of the Turtles, but this is their first appearance in the current series from IDW Publishing.
Although they have not previously appeared in this series, the Punk Frogs were mentioned by Old Hob back in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #110, and are featured prominently on the cover of the next issue. From this image it appears that the Punk Frogs are shedding their surf style personas in favor of studded denim vests and weapons cobbled together from whatever they could find. This new look coupled with them already being on Hob’s radar points towards this version of the team being the most lethal yet, and there is no telling what they are up to in Mutant Town.
It’s hard to imagine that the Punk Frogs would be working on behalf of any of the Turtles’ enemies as they have been manipulated into doing in the past, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t a serious threat in their own right. Presumably they haven’t come to Mutant Town looking to settle down alongside the rest of the generally peaceful populace, but there also isn’t any obvious reason for them to arrive in the first place.
There is always the chance that they are another unfortunate set of victims left over from Old Hob’s mutagen bomb attack, which would bring to light the question of why they just now making an appearance. However, the more pressing question is whether they mean to be a force for good or evil in the lives of the Ninja Turtles.
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