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Mrs. Joe Biden Using Sesame Street to Lecture Military Families About Race


Mrs. Joe Biden Using Sesame Street to Lecture Military Families About Race


Sesame Street and Mrs. Jill Biden have partnered up to help military families understand identity politics by assisting parents in discussing race and racism with their children and developing their children’s sense of “racial literacy”. They’re advertising it as a way to assist military families, since who could argue with a policy that benefits military families?



According to the Sesame Workshop, the new project, which is part of a diversity campaign co-organized by USAA, contains a variety of online materials that teach families how to deal with “bias and unfairness.” One of the project’s objectives is to teach children how to be “upstanders,” or people who speak out against social injustices. Jill Biden chatted remotely with Sesame Street character Rosita, who declared herself to be a “upstandee” in a promotional film for the campaign.



Sesame Workshop said the new military families project is part of its “Coming Together” initiative, one of whose goals is to promote “racial literacy” among children.


Jamison Ashley

Comic geek, movie nerd, father, and husband – but not necessarily in that order. Current captain of this ship o’ fools who is rapidly training everyone’s computers and snarkphone spell-checkers to misspell ‘supposebly.’


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