Though Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin is very different to the action-oriented main series games, it naturally shares a lot of similar concepts. It offers various options for co-operative hunting online, it’s a very long experience that’ll keep you busy for weeks (or months), and Capcom is regularly adding more in free DLC updates.
On 5th August the game is adding a hefty co-op quest to take on Kulve Taroth; there will also be Monsties of Hellblade Glavenus and Boltreaver Astalos. This definitely seems to be late-game stuff, or something to take on with a co-op buddy that’s a master in the game and eager to help.
There are two more free content updates due in September and then one in October, so there’s plenty more to come in MH Stories 2.
Are you planning to check this out?