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Capcom has rolled out Version 3.3.1 of Monster Hunter Rise. As revealed yesterday, it includes another collaboration. This time it’s Monster Hunter x Street Fighter – allowing players to become Akuma, the famous fighting villain. This content will unlock on 27th August, but the rest of this update is now live.
As usual, there are additions and changes along with a lot of bug fixes. You can see everything below, courtesy of Capcom’s Monster Hunter Rise blog:
- In order to use DLC and play online, you need to update Monster Hunter Rise to the latest version.
- – You can check which version you’re on at the bottom right of the Title Screen.
- – Online gameplay requires a Nintendo Switch Online membership.
- If you do not have access to the Internet, you can play local multiplayer, as long as every player uses the same version of the software.
- – Please visit the Nintendo Support page for more information.
Available August 26, 2021
Main Additions / Changes
- New Event Quests will be available every week.
- New DLC can be purchased from Nintendo eShop.
Bug Fixes / Miscellaneous
- Fixed a bug occasionally causing the vents that can be activated during the “Arena 06” quest to appear in random places rather than fixed locations.
- Fixed a bug causing Almudron’s mud to be displayed at an angle in relation to the ground.
- Fixed a bug occasionally preventing the player from being able to launch Somnacanth or Bishaten into a wall after Wyvern Riding if they’re minimum size.
- Fixed a bug causing the player to get poisoned if they get hit by Bishaten’s wings during its pounce attack if it’s holding a Parafruit with its tail.
- Changed the monster sizes for certain quests.
Affected monsters: Aknosom, Bishaten, Rajang, Teostra, Apex Mizutsune, Apex Rathalos, Apex Zinogre, Crimson Glow Valstrax
- Fixed a bug causing an error to occur if the connection is lost or if the player departs on a quest when a Buddy performs a combo or support action.
- Fixed a bug preventing the cursor from speeding up when increasing the values for the size or position of certain body parts when changing Advanced Settings on the Character Edit screen.
- Fixed a bug causing the “Twin Ponytails” hairstyle to clip through the Lagombi Helm and the Rathalos Helm.
- Fixed a bug occasionally causing the appearance of the player character’s wrists to look unnatural when equipping the Floral Sleeves.
- Fixed a bug occasionally causing the player’s Palamute to freeze temporarily when performing a combo in sync with the player’s attacks if it has the Large Shuriken equipped.
- Fixed a bug occasionally causing Large Barrel Bombs to explode immediately after being placed.
- Fixed a bug in the amount of Spirit Gauge consumed when comboing from the long sword’s Spirit Step Slash into a Spirit Blade attack (Spirit Blade III or Dividing Slash).
- Fixed a bug causing the game to wait for input after pressing the button to perform the long sword’s Iai Spirit Slash.
- Reduced the frequency of the long sword’s Iai Spirit Slash’s follow-up attacks hitting Magnamalo’s torso despite the player attacking its forelegs.
- Fixed a bug causing the damage of other attacks to decrease after landing a certain number of consecutive hits with the dual blades’ Heavenly Blade Dance.
- Fixed a bug preventing the 5th melody effect from being displayed in the log when activating 5 of the hunting horn’s melody effects at once.
- Fixed a bug causing the gunlance’s Shelling to hit areas outside of the direction the player is facing if they perform the action while moving.
- Fixed a bug preventing directional input from being registered when using the gunlance’s Ground Splitter after a certain number of actions.
- Fixed a bug causing Auto Shoutouts to appear for only one player when hitting multiple players at once with support ammo (Demon Ammo/Armor Ammo/Recover Ammo)
- Fixed a bug preventing Bubbly Dance Level 3 from inflicting bubbleblight when the player performs an attack immediately after dodging with the bow.
- Fixed a bug causing collected Sun Goddess Pictures to remain on screen if another player collects them during the loading screen when you join the “Rising Sun!?” event quest while it’s already in progress.
- Fixed various text bugs.
- Other miscellaneous bug fixes have been made.
Have you downloaded this update yet? Notice anything else? Leave a comment down below.
[source monsterhunter.com]