
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Celebrates 2 Million Units Shipped With Free Item Packs


Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
Image: Capcom / Nintendo

Earlier this week, Capcom announced it the Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak had already surpassed 2 million units worldwide. In the same sales update, it revealed the base game had shipped over 10 million units worldwide since its release.

To celebrate this milestone, the Japanese company has now released two free commemorative item packs to help hunters out in their adventures:

The first Elgado Pack contains Ancient Potion x 10, Dango Ticket x 20, Dash June x 20, HA. Sphere x 5 and Silver Egg x 5. The second pack includes Mega Potion x 50, Well-done Steak x 30, L.Barrel Bomb x 20, Mega Demondrug x 10 and Mega Armorskin x 10.

Capcom has also mentioned how it’s currently “hard at work” on the first Title Update coming this August. It will feature new monsters and more as previously detailed in the roadmap for 2022:

Have you played Sunbreak on Switch yet? If not, there’s a demo available to download from the Switch eShop.


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