The 2,774th issue of Nihonbungeisha‘s Weekly Manga Goraku magazine revealed on Friday that Kōji Shinasaka and Akihiro Kumeta‘s Monkey Peak -The Rock- manga will end in the magazine’s next issue on Friday.
The manga launched in November 2019. Nihonbungeisha published the manga’s seventh compiled book volume last Friday.
Shinsaka and Kumeta launched the Monkey Peak manga in Weekly Manga Goraku magazine in September 2016, and ended it in August 2019. Shinsaka wrote the manga while Kumeta drew the art.
The manga centers on a group of pharmaceutical company employees who embark on a mountain-climbing trip together and who encounter tragedy at the hands of mysterious monkeys when they reach the top.
The manga inspired an anime that debuted in the Anime Beans app in October 2018.
Source: Weekly Manga Goraku issue 2,774