A few notable gaming systems have a look; for the Game Boy – as one example – that look is pea green. We also think the DS has a look, those chunky character models that are sort of like the N64 but not quite, and the fact that it had such an extraordinarily varied library with these aesthetics.
DS mods of well known games are particularly fun for this reason, like this Super Mario Galaxy project. Some modders are wizards at remaking games that actually run on the retro [can we call it retro, now?) portable, and another eye-catching project is Mario Kart DS: GameCube Grand Prix.
You can see it in the video below, see if you can spot some of the tweaks that the modders are making to give the original tracks a fresh flavour.
Some tracks have shifted palette, time of day and even seasons, while there are some that look like faithful recreations of the originals. Also, notably, it’s the conventional single-driver-per-vehicle, dropping the double gimmick of the original – there are limits to what can be done.
It’s interesting to see what can be achieved in projects like this, and most of us are now maybe tempted to revisit Mario Kart DS – it’s got the look.