Gosh, just from trailers and previews, what we’ve already heard of the Mina the Hollower soundtrack is absolutely brilliant. Yacht Club Games staple Jake Kaufman is back with just as much chiptune flare as he had in Shovel Knight, and the quality of Mina the Hollower’s music is already looking to rival the spade-wielder’s own.
And now even more so, as Yacht Club games has announced that the legendary Yuzo Koshiro, of Streets of Rage and Etrian Odyssey fame, will be contributing two tracks to the game. If you’ve never heard of Yuzo Koshiro then we urge you to take a few hours to listen to something he’s worked on (his work on Streets of Rage 4 is phenomenal).
You can see from the video that Koshiro is excited to work on the game, and this infectious enthusiasm was also mirrored on Twitter.
It looks like Yacht Club Games are equally excited, too. And who wouldn’t be? In their latest Kickstarter update, they sing the praises of the composer. There’s also one other surprise in their update, and that is that the team are sharing all art assets from the acclaimed Shovel Knight. That’s a pretty incredible and helpful tool for aspiring game devs!
Jake Kaufman and Yuzo Koshiro on the same soundtrack? We need a minute to cool off, but we also can’t wait to hear what Koshiro has brought to the table, especially after his work rearranging one of his most famous soundtracks for Act Raiser Renaissance last year.
The game is already funded, but you can still back Mina the Hollower on Kickstarter if you want any of those sweet goodies that come with it. One of the pledges gets you early access to the soundtrack, so that’s a pretty good place to start!
What’s your favourite Yuzo Koshiro soundtrack? Let us know below, or just tell us how excited you are for Yacht Club games’ next release!
Further Reading: