Grotesque beings straight out of our nightmares lurking at every turn, that haunting question in that distorted voice: ‘Can you see me?’ Oof, Mieruko-chan has all the makings of a top-notch horror show. However, it’s horror that isn’t horrifying! But what does it mean?! Well, while the designs and nature of the monsters, and truthfully, even the (good?) Shrine spirits are all terrifying and ominous, this anime walks the line between true terror and growing discomfort very well. The premise? Frightening. The monsters? Frightening. But, are we frightened? No, because Mieruko-chan is a hybrid between horror, comedy, slice-of life, and ecchi (we were surprised by that one too).
With elements of everyday life interspersed with comedy from Miko’s own approach to these terrible creatures, not to mention the hilarious shenanigans of her oblivious squad, the anime is very well-balanced between laughs and whimpers. Furthermore, as Miko grows to understand some of these creatures, albeit from a very, very safe distance, the story unfolds to be sentimental and heart-warming to boot; with moments like a deceased spirit husband trying to aid his old, confused wife (or Miko’s teacher’s deceased baby’s spirit watching over her pregnancy). It really manages to tug on the heartstrings. However, these warm and fuzzy feelings of comfort, sentimentality, and a good laugh do absolutely nothing to dilute the horror. True to form, the monsters don’t change, and to be honest, we wouldn’t have in any other way.