Luck Of Legends is on the mission to teach writing through the power of RPGs! Be sure to check out their latest video to learn more!
“Want to help kids learn to LOVE writing? At Luck Of Legends, I teach using role-playing games designed for education, not just “used” for it. In this talk for a German education group, I outline my approach and tools, covering: How school is a badly designed game Secrets A and F students know Mechanics that promote academic mastery Fostering peer celebration and collaborative culture Creating “play space” online that teaches layout and formatting Online tools that add to the play experience Creating agency You can find the presentation here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/…
If you’d like to know more, drop me a line at: LuckOfLegends.com StoriesRPG.com LuckOfLegends.itch.io @LuckLegends on Twitter @LuckOfLegends on Instagram and Facebook Also, feel free to join the TTRPGs for Teaching Discord using this link: https://discord.gg/JvfGr4H7E8“