
One of our favourite surprises during last year’s E3 was the reveal of Metal Slug Tactics. This twist on SNK’s popular Metal Slug series sees the side-scrolling shooter become a top-down, isometric strategy game. Plus it’s got some pretty stunning pixel art.
But today, publisher Dotemu has confirmed that the game — originally due to launch sometime this year — has had to be pushed back to 2023. The publisher took to Twitter along with French developer Leikir Studio to share the news.
“Marco, Eri, Fio, and Tarma are tinkering away to make #MetalSlugTactics as explosive as possible on release, but the squad needs a bit more time in the shop to prepare for the battles ahead. See you in 2023!”
That’s no doubt disappointing for many, including us, but we’re no less excited to see what Leikir Studio can do with this beloved IP. And we’ve got plenty of strategy game goodness left for the rest of the year with The DioField Chronicle and Tactics Ogre: Reborn!
How do you feel about this news? Are you looking forward to Metal Slug Tactics? Let us know!