I just wanted to take the opportunity to thank each and every one of you for visiting the Bleeding Fool website to geek out with us about comic books, movies, TV, gaming, art, and all the other geeky stuff that so many of us are so passionate about. Many people don’t like to acknowledge passionate fans because they tend to get very demonstrative and vocal about their favorite things and have been known to push back against those who attempt to use their beloved past-times and properties to further their own political agendas. We are here for you.
To those that visit our site to get your daily dose of entertainment, laughs, and geeky news, I want you to know that you’re the reason that we’re still around after our first year. It’s all of you constantly coming to the site that keeps us afloat. While we have a PayPal donation button at the bottom of the pages of our website, hardly anyone ever uses it and we don’t really promote it, but we appreciate those supporters immensely. To that end, this is not a “for profit” enterprise. To those of you who don’t use adblockers, those ads you see on the website barely manage to pay for the hosting, email, and domain services for this website, which is little more than passion project for all of us. It’s amazing we stay afloat while so many other websites are struggling and closing shop – even ones with lots and lots of pop-up ads!
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6
On Christmas day, I feel overwhelmingly grateful for all of our contributors who help provide the interesting content that brings you here. I’m also grateful for all of you and the opportunities I’ve been given, and I’m even grateful for those angry readers that reject our politics, point out our spelling errors, and who hate our perspectives. These differences is what I feel makes this website a better place to visit than the one-sided inspiration for Bleeding Fool.
“If any of you think you are wise by the standards of this age, you should become “fools” so that you may become wise.” 1 Corinthians 3:18
Finally, I sincerely hope that you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays with your family, friends and loved ones. I wish you all the best, and as we move into the new year I hope a positive outlook on life follows you. 2021 has got to be a better year for geek entertainment. And while there’s a lot of wokey looking stuff on the horizon, there’s also a lot of great stuff to look forward to. We’re going to try to focus on both. Together, we can make 2022 a great year for geeks like us!
Remember the reason for the Season. Be safe and have a blessed day!