Despite the exorbitant pressure from fans and critics, WandaVision delivered in just about every way possible and, most importantly, started the MCU engine back up after the nearly two-year hiatus. The series was an incredibly wild ride laden with misdirects, callbacks, greater MCU references, and incredibly stunning visual effects. Not to mention the intense action and tons of well-timed jokes.
Additionally, the show provided fans with numerous heartwarming moments in almost each and every episode, even before fans knew what was truly happening within the town of Westview. Some moments were fleeting whereas others were touching sequences between characters, keeping fans emotionally invested every step of the way.
10 Episode 1 – Opening & Closing Credit Sequences
Fans distinctly remember Vision dying at the hands of Thanos during the events of Infinity War, so seeing him in the opening sequence of the show was quite jarring for some. However, once fans got over the initial shock they couldn’t help but swoon over the adorable sitcom opening showing Wanda and Vision as a pair of newlyweds moving into their first home together.
The ending credits (of Wanda’s show) also show them cuddling together and sharing a kiss before an image closes in on their faces. Darcy even says, “Aww,” when watching this scene during Episode 4 after the broadcast had been discovered.
9 Episode 2 – & The Award Goes To Illusion & Glamour
While the magic show itself was a wildly hilarious trainwreck, Wanda and Vision still managed to impress the town as they all thought that Vision’s gum-drunk shenanigans were part of the act. As they tried to sneak away after the show, undetected, Dottie notices them and calls them out.
Wanda is ready to apologize, but before she can, Dottie announces that they’ve won an award for their performance. This was the first time it felt like the entire town was welcoming Wanda and Vision, which was kind of a touching moment until viewers later find out that they were all forced to because of Wanda.
8 Episode 3 – Wanda’s Brief Excitement Over Her Pregnancy
This was an incredibly quick moment in the show, a true blink-and-you’ll-miss-it type situation, but when one notices Wanda’s genuine reaction to her sudden pregnancy it inspires a heartwarming sensation. This happens shortly after the series changes from black and white to color.
After the doctor makes a house call to check on the baby, Vision escorts him out. As he turns to leave, Wanda rubs her belly and glows with an exuberant smile. After watching her go through so much suffering, it was nice to see her genuinely happy about something, even if it was for just a moment.
7 Episode 5 – Wanda’s Fictitious Family Reunion With Fietro
The first time fans watched this episode, most were all-in on the idea that Evan Peters’ Quicksilver would be the first Fox hero to jump franchises. However, upon finishing the series, fans were almost as upset with this misdirect as they were with the multiple Mephisto misdirects.
Before the curtain was pulled back though, fans were touched at Wanda’s reaction to seeing her long-lost brother and giving him a stinking hug. However, the moment was quickly ruined when Pietro looks over at Vision and asks who the popsicle is.
6 Episode 6 – Vision Needs Some Help, For The People
After a brief stroll around the outskirts of town, Vision realizes something is very wrong in the town of Westview. He eventually finds himself face-to-face with his wife’s magical barrier and proceeds to push through to the other side. However, as he is a creation of Wanda’s he cannot survive outside of the Hex for long and begins to break apart in a seemingly painful fashion.
Through the pain, Vision screams for help, not for himself but for the poor people of Westview. This selfless gesture, in spite of his imminent death, solidified Vision’s position as a true hero in the hearts of fans.
5 Episode 7 – Billy Says Someone Needs To Stay & Take Care Of Wanda
After Halloween, Wanda has somewhat of a mental breakdown and appears to have completely tuned out from what’s going on within her home. Even the decor and furnishings begin to haphazardly shift between eras. Agatha conveniently swings by, offering to take the kids off of Wanda’s hands for her.
Elated at the idea of having the house to herself, Wanda lets them go. However, Billy refuses at first, suggesting that someone needs to stay behind and take care of mom. Despite only knowing each other for a few days, the boys have a special connection with their mother, especially Billy given his particular skill set.
4 Episode 7 – Touching Moments On Both Sides Of The Hex
After Darcy was enveloped by the influence of the Hex, she was transformed into a bad escape artist for the new circus comprised of converted S.W.O.R.D. agents. Outside of the Hex, Monica calls in a favor to try and make it back in and also save Darcy. Upon meeting at the rendezvous point, Monica thanks her friend for their help. Major Goodner responds by telling Monica that her mother (Maria Rambeau) isn’t the only one that they are loyal to.
Meanwhile, Vision breaks Darcy free of Wanda’s control and she fills him in on some key details on their drive back to town. As a way of reassuring a clearly confused Vision, Darcy tells him that despite everything going on around them, that the love between Vision and Wanda is real and genuine. She says that the two of them truly belong together.
3 Episode 8 – Wanda’s Trip Down Memory Lane
While much of this episode is an emotional rollercoaster, fans certainly appreciated the insight into Wanda’s life; not only post-Pietro but also as a child and during her time with Hydra. The first scene is from Wanda’s childhood. While it ultimately ends in heartbreak and death, it was special to be able to see Wanda actually happy with her family before her life changed forever.
There is also a sweet moment she has with Vision shortly after Pietro’s passing. Vision struggles to comfort Wanda in her time of need and utters the gem, “But what is grief, if not love persevering?” which is a lovely sentiment and the catalyst for Wanda and Vision’s relationship. The final memory shows how Wanda created the Hex. After she brings the projected form of Vision to life, he simply smiles at her and says welcome home, which was a sweet moment for Wanda after weeks (or years) of turmoil.
2 Episode 9 – White Vision Becomes The True Vision
Hayward’s newly created White Vision is tasked with taking down Wanda, so he promptly begins to crush her head with his bare hands. Luckily, Wanda’s projection of Vision saves the day in the nick of time, resulting in a visually stunning battle between Visions.
After a brief philosophical debate, White Vision allows the projected Vision to unlock his hidden memories. Fans are shown a glimpse of this as dozens of quick snippets are montaged across White Vision’s mind. After the download, he simply states, “I am Vision,” before flying off, leaving fans cheering from their couches.
1 Episode 9 – Wanda Bids Her Family Farewell
While the final goodbyes with her husband and sons is an overall sad occurrence, there are some sweet moments peppered in. One notable moment came after they tucked the boys into bed, Wanda turns back to the boys just before leaving the room and genuinely thanks them for choosing her to be their mother.
Additionally, the goodbye sequence with Vision makes fans happy cry and sad cry at the same time. While his actual departure is quite sad, the dialogue between them suggests that Wanda is healing and ready to accept her tragedy while also leaving the door open for another reunion down the road. With a missing White Vision still around and now fully up to speed, another reunion may come sooner than expected.
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