Marvel’s What If…? reveals a new character, who appears to possess adamantium claws and a costume similar to the X-Men’s Wolverine.
Marvel’s What If…? has teased a new take on the X-Men‘s clawed Canadian, Wolverine.
A teaser image for the new character was revealed by Marvel. The new character has four claws instead of Logan’s three or Laura Kinney’s two, and wears a red costume that looks like a blend of classic elements from Wolverine’s costume with Deadpool’s color scheme. The character appears to be much younger than Logan, and of a different ethnicity. Everything else about the character is speculation at this point, as Marvel did not divulge any other details about the new hero, including their name, additional powers, or origins. The image also features a “March 2022” date, suggesting that Marvel will reveal more about the character and their comic soon.
The image of the new character was created by artist Paco Medina, who previously worked with writer Vito Ayala on 2021’s Children of the Atom. Medina is an artist who is based in Mexico City and has been recognized for his manga-influenced style. While Medina began his carrer at DC on Superman, he is now mainly known for his work on several Marvel books, including Nova & The Legendary Star Lord, Ultimate Comics X-Men, Heroes Reborn and Deadpool.
Marvel’s What If…? is an anthology comic book series that shows how key events and characters in the Marvel universe would have changed had certain events played out differently. The comic was first published in 1977 with the most collection of What If…? stories coming out in 2018. The comics were adapted into an animated series for Disney+ in 2021, which was part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Phase 4 and featured many of the movies’ actors reprising their roles, including Haley Atwell as Peggy Carter, Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury, Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye, and Chadwick Boseman in his final time playing the role of T’Challa. The series ran for 9 episodes, and was generally well-received. A second season is currently in development and is expected to premiere sometime in 2022. Disney has also announced a series based on Marvel Zombies, which was introduced to the MCU as an episode of What If…?
Wolverine, meanwhile, is continuing his long history of teaching kids a much needed lesson.
Source: Marvel
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