In X-Men Unlimited #7, a few bloodthirsty mutants from Krakoa come together and officially announces themselves as a new X-Men team.
Warning: The following contains spoilers for X-Men: Unlimited #7, available now on Marvel Unlimited.
By murdering a convenience store manager in Las Vegas in X-Men: Unlimited (by Gerry Duggan, Emilio Laiso, Rachelle Rosenberg, and VC’s Joe Sabino), Lin Li’s Nature Girl has betrayed everything that the X-Men stand for. In her short-sighted pursuit of environmental justice, Li has deeply damaged the fragile reputation that the X-Men’s newly-formed nation of Krakoa has built within the international community. To make matters worse, Nature Girl has allowed the impressionable mutant Curse to join her in her anti-human crusade, further perverting the X-Men’s image by pushing a young mutant towards violence instead of guiding them away from it.
In X-Men: Unlimited #7, Nature Girl brings her betrayal of the X-Men to new lows when she officially christens Curse and herself as “X-Men Green”, directly tying the X-Men’s name to her increasingly brutal campaign of eco-terrorism. By doing this, Nature Girl has proven that she’s fully prepared to drag the reputation of one of Marvel’s most heroic superhero teams down with her to fuel her self-righteous assertion that she’s still a hero despite her crimes.
Picking up where the previous issue left off, X-Men: Unlimited #7 opens with Nature Girl and Curse intervening in a confrontation between a group of environmental protesters and the workers of an oil pipeline. Announcing themselves as X-Men Green, Nature Girl gives the oil workers one chance to put down their weapons and walk away. When they refuse, the two mutants proceed to mercilessly slaughter them. Using her ability to inflict bad luck, Curse forces one worker to trip and crack his head open on a rock while Nature Girl uses her ability to commune with nature to summon a swarm of bees that sting the others to death. When the last surviving worker tries to hit Nature Girl with a wrench, she casually slits his throat with one of her antlers, leaving him to slowly bleed out on the floor in a manner that eerily parallels her murder of the store manager.
Although X-Men Green was technically protecting the protesters from the unprovoked violence of the workers, their methods are exceedingly brutal. Nature Girl was trained by Wolverine and could have easily restrained the workers or knocked them out. Instead, she deliberately chooses to murder them, reflecting after the skirmish that she doesn’t feel any remorse over her actions. Instead, she feels liberated; she’s spent most of her life silently enduring her pent-up frustration towards pollution, and her decision to finally give into it has brought her a gruesome sense of relief and freedom. She also makes it clear that she has no intentions of stopping her crusade against humanity, as she and Curse make their way to the nearby oil refinery to continue their massacre.
In many ways, Nature Girl’s decision to name her rag-tag alliance with Curse “X-Men Green” makes sense. As a former student of the Jean Grey School of Higher Learning, Nature Girl does have direct ties to the X-Men, and her and Curse’s environmentalist leanings make the “Green” part of the name very appropriate. In other ways, however, the decision is not only illogical but insulting. While the X-Men are willing to attack humans who threaten the lives of mutants, the team rarely kills these human enemies. Unlike Magneto’s Brotherhood of Mutants or X-Force, the X-Men usually don’t resort to murder to achieve their goals, as they seek to prove that mutants aren’t monsters, opting to use force as a last resort.
Nature Girl’s decision to continue calling herself an X-Man is another example of how selfish and self-righteous the young mutant has recently become. By naming herself after one of the world’s most respected team of superheroes, Nature Girl is essentially saying that she still believes that what she’s doing is heroic, even though she’s willing to murder humans to achieve her goals. Worse still, she has created a link between her acts of eco-terrorism and the X-Men, something that will most certainly put the community of mutants living on Krakoa under intense scrutiny when and if X-Men Green’s ruthless crusade becomes national news.
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