Comics Reviews

Marvel’s Most Powerful Mutant May Not Even Be Omega-Level


One of the newest members of the X-Men reveals his belief that one major X-Men ally is more powerful than other Omega-Level Mutants.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for X-Men #1 by Gerry Duggan, Pepe Larraz, Marte Gracia & VC’s Clayton Cowles, on sale now.

The classification of Omega-Level Mutants gained a new definition in the modern era of X-Men, with the title being officially assigned to a handful of powerful mutants. But that doesn’t mean every single one who isn’t an Omega-Level Mutant is necessarily left wanting in comparison. In fact, there’s one mutant who a newly elected X-Men believes might even be more powerful than even some confirmed Omega-Level Mutants.

Synch just revealed he believes Forge to be Krakoa’s single most powerful mutant — and the thing is, he has a pretty good point.

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The Treehouse is the newest base of operations for the X-Men, located in the heart of Manhattan. A fusion of a tree created by Krakoa and the technological advancements of Forge, the base is a hybrid of living technology, always capable of being expanded and improved upon. Helping Forge put the final touches on the base is Synch, the former Generation X veteran who’s been elected to serve as a member of the X-Men. While speaking with Cyclops and Jean, he makes the comment that after synching into Forge’s powers and gaining access to his inventive mind, he’s started to think that Forge is actually Krakoa’s most powerful mutant. Even though he isn’t technically an Omega-Level Mutant, Synch’s argument has some solid points.

Forge’s mutant ability is an intuitive genius intellect, allowing him to conceive of, craft and create any item that he or his allies could ever need. He has been repositioned into a very important role with the X-Men on Krakoa, serving as support for X-Force and X-Factor. However, due to the nature of Omega-Mutant classification, he’s not actually considered such a mutant. Omega-Level Mutants are those mutants whose powers are considered to have no definable limit that can’t be surpassed by someone else — mutant, human, or otherwise. By that logic, someone like Magneto and his control over magnetism (which is unmatched in the universe in that specific application of power) is considered an Omega-Level Mutant.

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X-Force Forge

But Forge could instead be considered a peer of someone like the similarity gifted Reed Richards — meaning Forge isn’t necessarily an Omega-Level Mutant, as his potential could be argued to be matched. Even without that additional distinction, Synch isn’t wrong to bring up just how useful and flexible Forge is. Over the years, Forge’s inventions have been used for great good and bad, and he’s increasingly left a major impact on the X-Men and how the mutant nation of Krakoa operates. He’s a crucial piece of the current mutant socio-ecosystem, and his loss would be perhaps one of the greatest defeats the X-Men could suffer during this particular period in their history, especially as they continue to face new threats every day.

Notably, Synch’s own ability to duplicate the mutant abilities of others means he has a great deal of experience trying out other powers and getting an idea of which are the most impressive. It says something that even with all that potential at his fingertips, Synch seems to believe Forge’s mind is what elevates him above almost every other mutant on Earth. With that power, Synch was able to quickly craft an idea to forge the X-Mech — helping the X-Men gain a major advantage against the invading alien behemoth than they might have possibly had otherwise.

Even if he isn’t an Omega-Level Mutant, Forge really has become one of Krakoa’s most important mutants — and from a certain perspective, one of its most powerful. His potential is possibly limitless, and his mutant ability — while not showy like many of the Omega-Level Mutants on Krakoa — are still capable of changing the world overnight if applied correctly.

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