Comics Reviews

Marvel’s Most Powerful God Destroyed the Strongest Hulk


There are rumors that World War Hulk might be coming to the MCU and a god could hold the key to defeating him based on the comics.

Another Marvel god could be headed to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as the former Avenger Hercules hinted at appearing in the near future of the movie and Disney+ slate of releases.

While the MCU already has a divine Avenger in Thor, Hercules has done something in the comics that the MCU version of Thor has not accomplished. He actually beat one of the most powerful versions of the Hulk in Maestro #3 (by Peter David, German Peralta, Jesus Aburtov, Dale Keown, Jason Keith & VC’s Ariana Maher), and the win was pretty clear and concise. That could set up the Olympian demigod to play a similar role as a Hulk-stopper in the MCU.

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Hercules Destroyed Hulk In Maestro

In the Maestro comic book miniseries, Marvel showed how Hulk turned into the evil dictator that appeared in the classic Future Imperfect. In that original story, Professor Hulk traveled to an apocalyptic future and discovered that he turned evil and ruled with an iron fist. It took the Hulk’s intelligence to stop Maestro because he wasn’t powerful enough to defeat the future version of himself. However, in the Maestro miniseries, Hercules proved powerful enough to defeat the older Hulk.

At the time that the monster and the god fought, Hulk had not yet evolved fully into the Maestro, and he was still trying to find his footing in this strange new world. Upon discovering the city of Dystopia, he was attacked by Hercules, who had a clear advantage from the beginning. The Olympic god had lived in this world since the apocalypse, while Hulk was in suspended animation. Hercules is an immortal god and was just too powerful for a Hulk who wasn’t ready for a fight.

What was shocking was that when Hulk finally beat Hercules, it was through trickery. He brought in a Trojan horse in Vaper, the former member of the U-Foes who could turn into any gas. She turned herself into arsenic and eliminated Hercules by entering his respiratory system. Although Hulk engineered the defeat of Hercules, he was unable to do so in a fair fight.

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How Hercules Could Debut In The MCU

Hercules fighting Hulk in World War Hulk.

There has been no official word as to when and where Hercules could debut in the MCU, nor is there any confirmation that the rumors are true. However, if he makes his debut either in a movie or a Disney+ series, it could pit him against the Hulk once again. While Thor was unable to decisively defeat Hulk in The Avengers and Thor: Ragnarok, Hercules might be who the world needs if Hulk goes rogue in a World War Hulk movie.

Hercules could appear as early as the Disney+ series She-Hulk as a special cameo appearance, especially considering the rumors about She-Hulk planting the seeds for World War Hulk. In the comics, Hercules was actually on Hulk’s side in the war because he knew Banner was wronged, and he wanted to help Amadeus Cho end the war with no casualties.

Hercules and Hulk have always seemed connected in the comics, and their battle in Maestro started out as a show of respect, despite the way it eventually ended. The Incredible Hercules comics showed that connection, and Amadeus Cho moving from Hulk to Hercules was a perfect way to show the Olympian taking the monster’s spot in the comics. If World War Hulk happens, Hercules might be the perfect hero to take him down and become the next big powerhouse in the MCU.

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