Comics Reviews

Marvel’s Dark Ages Reverses One Crucial Part of Age of Apocalypse


A crucial part of Age of Apocalypse was reversed in the post-apocalyptic world of Dark Ages #2, making it practically the opposite of the original.

WARNING: This article contains spoilers for Dark Ages #2, on sale from Marvel now.

Marvel’s Dark Ages takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where heroes and villains have created new civilizations in the wake of a global cataclysm that turned off all electricity permanently. In the wake of this great power outage, humanity built new civilizations that greatly shifted the world’s geopolitics and reversed one crucial part of Age of Apocalypse.

Dark Ages #2 by Tom Taylor, Iban Coello, Brian Reber and VC’s Joe Sabino gives readers a look into the post-apocalyptic society Marvel’s heroes created after all electricity on the planet was turned off permanently. After the lights went out, there was worldwide bloodshed as heroes and villains faced off against each other. People all over the world mourned what they lost and this grief eventually became anger, causing worldwide conflicts over resources. These wars caused the deaths of billions of people the world over but a group of heroes eventually came together to propose that a better world was possible.

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As the population lessened, so did industrialization and mass production. People fled the inhospitable parts of the world and came together in thriving supercities. Powerful telepaths linked these cities together so they could share the resources and knowledge that they had left. Wakanda became the Earth’s capital. In the city, a group of scientists and superheroes, also telepathically linked, managed to breed new technological innovations every day. This group managed to form a post-apocalyptic utopia as they invented new methods of food production, lighting and refrigeration. But as heroes thrived and created new ways to live, so did darkness. Hordes of creatures of the night grouped together to form raiding parties and assaulted the new civilizations. In response, the heroes created special teams that were specially equipped to deal with supernatural threats.

Meanwhile, Apocalypse was slowly taking control of Europe, reshaping it in his own image. Apocalypse used Purple Man’s mind control powers to rebuild his Four Horsemen of Apocalypse deadlier than ever before and used them to take control of Europe. Similar to the heroes’ new civilization, Apocalypse slowly built his own technology that emulated what they had lost. Unlike the heroes, who built it by helping each other, Apocalypse built his technology by imprisoning Magneto in a Faraday cage and to create electricity. Using the mind-controlled heroes’ knowledge of technology, he created his own post-apocalyptic authoritarian utopia. At the end of the issue, Apocalypse and his Horsemen kidnapped Tony Stark and teleported themselves to Europe. There, Apocalypse declared that he was going to awaken the dormant Unmaker and take its power for himself.

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In Dark Ages‘ post-apocalyptic world, the heroes have seemingly built their new supercities in North America, Africa, Australia and South America. Meanwhile, Apocalypse slowly built his authoritarian supercity in Western Europe and is slowly trying to expand it to other parts of the continent. Funnily enough, this situation is the reverse of Age of Apocalypse, where Apocalypse controlled most of the world except Europe. In this alternate world, Apocalypse and his Horsemen carved up North America into separate fiefdoms which they directly controlled. Meanwhile, what remained of humanity fled to Europe where they relied on what was left of Marvel’s superheroes and armies of Sentinels to protect themselves.

Both Dark Ages and Age of Apocalypse share a few similarities, namely that humanity has been forced to migrate to survive and built a new world out of the ashes of the old one. Notably, Age of Apocalypse ended with both Apocalypse and the Human High Council using their weapons of mass destruction and almost destroying the world in the process. Now that Apocalypse’s Europe is the only place in the world that still has electricity in Dark Age‘s world, he could be planning to use his newfound tech to take over the world similarly to how he did in Age of Apocalypse.

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