Marvel’s Dark Ages has just introduced a brand new Spider-Girl, and she might just be the post-apocalyptic Earth’s mightiest hero.
WARNING: The following contains major spoilers for Dark Ages #2, on sale now from Marvel Comics.
Of all the desolate and depressing alternate futures for the Marvel Universe, none are as dark as that of the Dark Ages. In this world cut off from any electronic advancements after suffering irrevocable damage, it seems like there isn’t much if any hope left for the survivors who soldier on through the darkness. Of course, there is always something or someone to remind readers that even the worst of times can give way to something incredible. In the case of Dark Ages, that person just so happens to be the latest in a long line of Spider-Girls, and she looks to continue their trend of being the greatest hero in the world.
When the ancient, cosmic being known as the Unmaker threatened to destroy the world from within it, Doctor Strange led a team of heroes to quell the threat no matter the cost. Unfortunately, that cost was a universe-wide electromagnetic pulse that cast eternal darkness over everything. In an instant, electronics and machines of nearly every variety came to a halt, ending millions of lives and ushering in a new Dark Age. In almost no time at all the world fell apart in the ensuing chaos, yet just as quickly its greatest heroes had banded together to put it back together as best they could. With their incredible powers and an undying will to thrive despite the odds, new supercities cropped up around the world, and among those populating them is none other than May Parker aka Spider-Girl.
Dark Ages #2 by Tom Taylor, Iban Coello, Brian Reber and VC’s Joe Sabinoand introduces a brand new Spider-Girl still in the midst of her training. Donning a blue and pink suit, May swings through the air just as easily as her father ever did, though her thrilled cries don’t do much when it comes to keeping her location hidden from Peter waiting in the shadows. Their web-slinging sparring session is cut short when Mary Jane calls them home, but even this brief appearance is a meaningful one, especially now.
There have been plenty of Spider-Girls over the years, the most iconic of which is easily the May Parker who first debuted in 1998’s What If? #105 by Ron Frenz and Tom Defalco. After her first appearance, May Parker would become a fan-favorite, spawning a series of her own which spanned over one hundred issues. In that time May battled all manner of villains and even played a crucial role during 2018’s Spider-Geddon by Christos N. Gage, Dan Slott and Jorge Molina. While that particular May Parker set the precedent for nearly all Spider-Girls to follow, the primary Marvel Universe has just gotten a glimpse of its own. Amazing Spider-Man #74 by Nick Spencer and Christos N. Gage only recently brought to a close the epic Kindred saga, and in the process, it gave readers a look at the future of the Marvel Universe from the view of one of its greatest villains. During a conversation with Doctor Strange, Mephisto himself reveals the reason for his obsession with ruining Peter Parker’s life, and it has nothing to do with Spider-Man. When Mephisto looks towards the future, he can see clearly that he will prevail over Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and claim the world as his own, only to be violently deposed by another version of May Parker in one of the most shocking reveals in recent memory.
Marvel’s Dark Ages might not take place in the primary continuity that fans are most familiar with, but that doesn’t mean May Parker won’t have just as critical of a role to play in its story as her predecessors have in theirs. Hopefuly her first appearance won’t be the last time we see her, and there is no telling what the future holds for the budding young hero. If nothing else, it’s good to see she still has the original Spider-Man looking out for her. Considering he has survived this long and managed to raise a family in the Dark Ages, she couldn’t ask to be in better hands.
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