The Guardians of the Galaxy are Marvel’s premier space team of misfits, outcasts, and shockingly powerful individuals. The original team started in the 31st Century in a war against the Badoon Empire, which had conquered and subjugated the Earth. Despite that, this crew had come back to the present on several occasions, often teaming up with the Avengers.
The new incarnation of the team exists in the present day and is united to face the intergalactic threats that so often endanger entire planets, galaxies, or even all of existence. This crew is sometimes seen as a band of outlaws thanks to some of their less scrupulous activities, but the group nonetheless has saved the entire universe many times.
10 Having Their Ship Destroyed During Civil War II
When the second Superhuman Civil War broke out between Captain Marvel and Iron Man, the Guardians joined sides with Captain Marvel–who was a member of the team at the time. A major battle broke out between Carol and Tony outside the Triskelion, the home base of S.H.I.E.L.D.
The Guardian’s ship was involved in the combat, and the Vision took it down with an energy blast. This left the Guardians stranded on Earth for a time, as no one was both able and willing to help them off the planet.
9 Trying To Stop The War Between The Shi’Ar And Kree Empires
The Kree Empire was, for a time, ruled by Black Bolt of the Inhumans while the Shi’ar Empire came under the control of the maniacal Vulcan (brother to Cyclops and Havok of the X-Men). Vulcan was war-hungry, and conflict seemed inevitable. The Guardians tried desperately to stop this war, but they couldn’t.
The ensuing conflict saw the Guardians and the Starjammers trying everything they could to save lives and end the war. However, the war only ended when Black Bolt and Vulcan met in person in a fight so intense it tore a hole in reality.
8 When Gamora Turned On The Guardians And Beheaded Star-Lord
Gamora discovered that a piece of her soul had been locked inside the Soul Stone, and she became desperate to reclaim it. However, the Guardians refused to help her on this quest. This led the Most Dangerous Woman in the Galaxy to kill Thanos himself and begin a crusade to obtain the Infinity Gauntlet.
This inevitably led to a fight between Gamora and both the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy. She beheaded Star-Lord and killed many of the Avengers and Guardians in the ensuing fight, but Doctor Strange used the Time Stone to rewind events and spare the deceased. However, Gamora was still able to obtain the Gauntlet and folded the universe in half–fusing many heroes and villains into one being. In the end, the fused heroes, with the help of Moondragon, Phyla-Vell, and Adam Warlock, were able to stop Gamora and restore the universe.
7 Attempting To Halt The Resurrection Of Thanos
After the death of Thanos at Gamora’s hands, the Final Gauntlet was enacted. This was a scheme to see Thanos resurrected by using a clone of his body and a copy of his mind hidden inside an unknown individual. Many of the great powers in the universe assumed it to be Gamora who had Thanos’ conscience inside her, but the Guardians refused to let them take her. This forced the Guardians to go on the run with Gamora.
In the end, it was revealed that Starfox, Thanos’ brother, had Thanos’ conscience unknowingly transferred into him. Hela and the Black Order attempted to resurrect Thanos, but the Guardians stopped them in a fight that saw a black hole opened that sucked the cloned Thanos body inside while Starfox was killed by Gamora.
6 Their War Against The Gods Of Olympus
The reborn Gods of Olympus began a rampage across the universe, scourging entire worlds of their population. This led Nova to resurrect the Guardians of the Galaxy team (which retired after the Final Gauntlet).
The first fight took place in the gods’ mobile city. Here, the Guardians rescued and recruited Hercules and attempted to suck the city into a black hole, but Star-Lord was still inside and was seemingly killed while Nova was cut open and nearly perished himself. However, the gods and Star-Lord later returned in a destructive battle that found Peter Quill reaching his true potential and destroying these violent Olympian Gods.
5 The Team Forming In The Aftermath Of Ultron And The Phalanx
The modern era Guardians of the Galaxy team formed in the aftermath of the members’ apocalyptic war against Ultron. The killer android had taken control of the star-spanning Phalanx, an artificial intelligence hivemind that assimilates living beings into its collective (like the Borg from Star Trek).
To win this conflict, the Guardians had to resort to guerilla tactics, and Groot almost died by immolating himself to destroy a Phalanx-controlled fortress. In the end, it came down to Phyla-Vell, Adam Warlock, and the Wraith to defeat Ultron and stop him from leaping to another body.
4 The Black Vortex Saga That Saw The End Of Hala
The Black Vortex is a powerful artifact that can show an individual their true potential and make it a reality. However, it often comes at the cost of corrupting the subject, and the disgraced Emperor of Spartax and father of Peter Quill, J’Son, wanted to possess the Vortex.
After Black Vortex-corrupted members of the Guardians of the Galaxy and the X-Men laid waste to the Kree homeworld of Hala, J’Son and his Slaughter Lords arrived to deal a finishing blow to the planet–ultimately destroying the entire planet. Later, the Guardians and the X-Men caught up to J’Son and used the Black Vortex to put an end to his rampage.
3 The War Against The Annihilation Wave From The Negative Zone
This technically took place before the Guardians of the Galaxy were formed, but it planted the seeds that would later grow into the team. The Annihilation Wave was led by Annihilus of the Negative Zone, and it sought to wipe out all life in the universe. Nova and Star-Lord led the charge against this force, fighting alongside the likes of Silver Surfer, Quasar, the Kree Empire, the Skrull Empire, and the Shi’ar.
During this conflict, Annihilus was able to capture and make a weapon out of Galactus capable of scourging entire worlds, but Nova was able to free the World Devourer. In the end, Nova killed Annihilus, but the tyrant’s Cosmic Rod resurrected him in the body of an infant back in the Negative Zone. Regardless, this saved the universe Annihilus’ wrath for a time
2 The Cancerverse And The Temporary End Of The Guardians Of The Galaxy
That aforementioned hole in the universe caused by Black Bolt and Vulcan later unleashed the Cancerverse. This was a reality where Captain Mar-Vell didn’t die of cancer but instead performed a profane ritual created by interdimensional demons called the Many-Angled-Ones that slew Lady Death. This meant that life would expand infinitely to the point where their universe could no longer contain them.
In the end, the Guardians had to use Thanos to kill the Mar-Vell of this alternate universe, and Nova and Star-Lord seemingly died to keep Thanos trapped inside the collapsing Cancerverse. This put an end to the Guardians of the Galaxy for a time, though the team was later reformed with the return of Star-Lord.
1 When The Entire Team Was Killed By Michael Korvac
The most brutal Guardians of the Galaxy battle of all time came at the hands of the cyborg Michael Korvac. He was a villain and Badooon ally of the far future that came back to the present and was given immeasurable power by the assimilating technology from Galactus’ worldship in secret. The Guardians of the year 3000 came back to the present to help the Avengers deal with Korvac.
Starhawk was the first to find Korvac, and the rest of the Avengers and Guardians soon followed. Korvac ultimately wiped out both teams with ease, and it was only through the psychic prowess of Moondragon did Korvac undo his damage.
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