Comics Reviews

Marvel Resurrects an Obscure But Powerful Defenders Hero


Marvel’s Darkhold Omega #1 brings back an obscure hero whose unique powerset and background could make them a major player in 2022.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Darkhold Omega #1 by Steve Orlando, Cian Tormey, Roberto Poggi, Marc Deering, Walden Wong and Jesus Aburtov, now on sale from Marvel Comics.

Marvel Comics just resurrected one of its most-powerful lost heroes.

In Darkhold Omega #1, the Scarlet Witch calls upon five Avengers to help her fight against Cthon, an Elder God who intended on destroying the Marvel Universe. After reading from the Darkhold, a sacred text with magical connections, the Avengers are sent into the Other-Realm to fight Cthon’s army. During their battle with Cthon, the Scarlet Witch and her allies receive help from an unlikely source — Omega the Unknown, a long-lost hero, thought to be dead for over 40 years.

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Created by Steve Gerber, Mary Skrenes and Jim Mooney, Omega the Unknown was a title that housed Model X3Z and James-Michael Sterling, two survivors from the planet Protaris with a telepathic link to one another. Though Model X3Z and James-Michael had only a vague awareness of each other, their connection ensured that anything that happened to one of their biologies happened to the other. Ultimately, the two were reunited only for Model Z3Z to die shortly afterward in Omega the Unknown‘s final issue, leaving James-Michael confused and alone. Years later, Defenders addressed the dangling plotlines from Omega the Unknown when James-Michael pointed his mysterious powers at himself, causing his body to vanish into thin air.

Darkhold Omega #1 picks up this long-forgotten thread, revealing that James-Michael’s blast propelled his body to Other-Realm. While there, James-Michael was able to refine and develop his powers as part of a “dimensional pilgrimage.” Now back on Earth and accompanied by the floating head of his robotic mother, James-Michael has assumed the mantle of Omega the Unknown, returning to his adopted home of Appalachia, Pennsylvania.

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Omega’s return isn’t the only major revelation to come from the pages of Darkhold Omega. To defeat Cthon, the Scarlet Witch absorbed the demon’s powers into her own body, thus giving her a substantial power boost. In conjunction with her recent redemption and resurrection in the pages of X-Men: The Trial of Magneto, the Scarlet Witch has a new path set out in front of her. Additionally, Darkhold Omega teases that Wanda’s next storyline will reveal itself soon, ending with a caption, “The Scarlet Witch Will Return!”

While the return of Omega the Unknown is sure to shake up Marvel’s status quo, he isn’t the only powerful hero to come back in recent weeks. In Timeless, the publisher teased the return of Miracleman. Like Omega, Miracleman is a long-lost hero who hasn’t had a new adventure in decades, aside from a one-page story in Marvel Comics #1000. However, Timeless teased that Miracleman would be joining Earth-616 for the first time, which could significantly impact the state of the universe moving forward.

Written by Steve Orlando and illustrated by Cian Tormey, Darkhold Omega #1 is on sale now from Marvel Comics.

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Source: Marvel Comics

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