Comics Reviews

Marvel Made Spider-Man’s Most Powerful Character Worse Than Any Villain


Marvel’s new Amazing Fantasy series has twisted a powerful character in Spider-Man’s life into something frightening and unrecognizable.

WARNING: The following article contains spoilers from Amazing Fantasy #4, on sale now from Marvel Comics.

As one of the most popular and iconic heroes in the world, Peter Parker, the amazing Spider-Man, has encountered many powerful people over the course of his superhero career. While some of these people are expectedly heroes and villains, there are a few people in his life that fit the description, albeit in ways that are unexpected.

One of the most powerful characters in Spider-Man’s mythos is one he was ultimately unable to save: his Uncle Ben. But the Ben Parker found in Amazing Fantasy #4 (by Kaare Andrews, Brian Reber, and VC’s Joe Sabino) is far different from the kind and wise soul who taught Peter the meaning of responsibility. This version was twisted into a man fueled by bitterness and resentment, who tragically turns on his nephew and undercuts everything Spider-Man ever did to honor his memory.

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This Ben Parker was killed in his world, but found his way onto a mysterious island populated by tribes in conflict. Here, the once kind man became hardened and joined a group of dragon riders to survive. But as time passed, Ben became increasingly bitter about his situation. The longer he stayed on the island, away from his beloved May, the more he resented his lost life. He secretly blamed Peter for his dilemma, reasoning that the young Spider-Man could have easily stopped the man who would become his killer. All of this culminated in a massive betrayal of his nephew.

When the tribes began to fight, Ben unleashed a torrent of dragon fire upon them, in spite of Peter’s desire to put an end to the violence. The elder Parker then took Peter captive, meaning to enact vengeance upon the person who he continued to hold responsible for all of his pain. He had been so twisted by spite that he now had no compunctions about hurting the boy he once loved like a son.

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This is a desperate and selfish side of Ben Parker that has never been seen before. His desperation is born from a understandably heart-wrenching desire to be reunited with May. However, the way he goes about attempting to gain what he wants is a textbook example of selfishness. Ben has no concern about the people hurt in his quest to achieve his desire, and is willing to hurt even his own family to achieve that end. Even more tragic is the fact that he blames his misfortune on the immature action of a child.

Thankfully, Peter decided to do the opposite, dedicating his life to honoring Ben’s memory by becoming a hero. Unfortunately, his uncle’s actions invalidate everything Spider-Man has ever done in his memory, and is a sad testament to the power bitterness and desperation can have on even the most noble and caring spirit. His inability to see past his own desires led to a second death, once again dying in Peter’s arms, as a victim of his own selfish choices.

KEEP READING: Spider-Man Reveals Peter Parker’s Strangest Weakness Ever

Top Comic Book Storylines: 84-81

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