Shang-Chi’s efforts to reform his father’s criminal empire are about to get sidetracked by every single one of his most recent enemies.
WARNING: The following contains major spoilers for Shang-Chi #5, on sale now from Marvel Comics.
In the decades that he has thrilled readers and fans, there has been almost nothing that could stand in the way of Shang-Chi. Now that the Master of Kung Fu has his own empire in the form of the Five Weapons Society, it is hard to imagine how he could possibly be knocked off the throne of Supreme Commander. Of course, there are always nefarious forces at work, and right now it seems like every single one that Shang-Chi has faced recently have come together to bring an end to his reign.
Shang-Chi’s attempts to reform the Five Weapons Society into a force for good rather than the cult-like criminal organization it has been for centuries hasn’t been an easy undertaking for Shang-Chi. Despite his best attempts to do something good with the vast array of resources he now has, his association to the Society has left his heroic allies with plenty of questions about Shang-Chi’s true intentions. Even worse than having the likes of Reed Richards and Tony Stark working against him, the Master of Kung Fu has made a plethora of new enemies over the course of his recent exploits. Individually, none of these villains have proven to be much of a threat, but that all might change now that they have banded together in the pages of Shang-Chi #5 by Gene Luen Yang, Dike Ruan, Triona Farrell and VC’s Travis Lanham.
Shang-Chi Just Proved He’s Faster Than a Speeding Bullet
The past few months have seen Shang-Chi face off against all manner of colorful foes, from the monster-making King Wild Man to the more typical criminal forces of Lady Iron Fan and the Red Dot Society. As intimidating as these various villains might be, it is the woman at the center of them who poses the greatest threat. Zheng Zhilan, Shang-Chi’s mutant half-sister who he only recently brought into the Five Weapons Society to help him transform it, has apparently been swayed by the enigmatic man who has brought her together with the rest of Shang-Chi’s enemies. As it turns out, this mysterious figure isn’t all that interested in Shang-Chi himself, but rather in destroying any trace of Zheng Zu’s legacy. Unfortunately, that includes Shang-Chi and the Five Weapons Society in its entirety, and it doesn’t seem like anyone is concerned with how far the hero has tried to remove himself from his dark past.
Shang-Chi Finally Rebuilt His Family – and They’re Already Falling Apart
While the mastermind of his demise hasn’t been unveiled yet, that doesn’t matter hardly as much as what they are up to. With so many villains conspiring to bring him down on top of his own allies having seemingly turned against him, Shang-Chi doesn’t have much hope of seeing his own dream for the Five Weapons Society come to fruition. If nothing else, the fact that Shang-Chi has dealt with each of these threats should give him some amount of an edge over them. Considering how bad things are about to get, the Master of Kung Fu could use every ounce of help he can get.
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