
Mandarake’s ‘Banned Publications’ Store Closes Temporarily Due to Police – News


Adult store opened on August 28, faced criticism from nearby fashion shop for teenagers

Police undertook a search of Mandarake‘s “Banned Publications” adult store at the Nakano Broadway complex in Tokyo on September 15, prompting the store’s temporary closure. The store’s official website noted that it will reopen at a later date with a “powered up” lineup of products.

The store opened on August 28, but faced criticism from the store that it immediately faced, which is a fashion and clothing store called Spank! catered toward teenage girls. Spank! said that it could not reopen business due to the presence of the adult store, but noted that the adult store itself and its placement was not illegal.

Voice actress Megumi Ogata (Evangelion‘s Shinji Ikari), who is a friend of Spank!’s owner, also called attention to Spank!’s comments regarding the opening of the adult store.

Mandarake has shops on multiple floors in Nakano Broadway, and is widely known among otaku as a destination for various goods, merchandise, production material, vintage animation cels, cosplay material, and other collectibles. The chain’s “Banned Publications” store is its newest addition to Nakano Broadway.

Sources: Mandarake‘s Banned Publications store official website (NSFW), Spank!’s Twitter account, Megumi Ogata‘s Twitter account via Otakomu (link 2)


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