
Majora’s Mask Meets Sunless Sea In Haunting Narrative Game ‘A Place For The Unwilling’


You have 21 days until the city dies. Every decision you make up until that final day will have far-reaching consequences — so what will you do? Try to save the world, or live a life of hedonism in the face of futility?

That is the question that A Place For The Unwilling poses in its hyper-branching narrative adventure, and the developers ALPixel Games have left the answer entirely up to you. There are no mini-maps, no quest markers, no rail-roaded story in this one, just you, a dying city, and the paralysing potential consequences of your actions.

A Place For The Unwilling draws on a number of influences, with the major ones being the creeping dread of Majora’s Mask, the narrative depth of Failbetter’s Sunless Sea, and the figure-things-out-before-bad-things-happen-ness of Pathologic, plus a dash of Lovecraftian horror, a pinch of Over The Garden Wall‘s unsettling pastoral dreamscapes, and a sprinkling of Dickensian eldritch nightmares.

A complex balance of flavours, to be sure — and reviews of the Steam version from 2019 seem to be mixed on whether or not it pulls it off completely — but the upcoming Switch port, which launches on the Nintendo eShop on March 22nd, hopefully fixes some of the original’s issues. Only time will tell!


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