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Made for the Gays: ‘Loki’ Comes Out Bisexual in Disney+ Show



Episode three of the Marvel Studios / Disney+ series ‘Loki’ revealed that actor Tom Hiddleston’s Norse god is officially the first out bisexual lead character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Loki (is chatting with Lady Loki (Sophia Di Martino), a female version of himself from another time, in an early scene from the third episode of the series, when the subject of loves earned and lost comes up.


Lady Loki inquires over drinks if Loki, an Asgardian prince, has ever fallen in love with a “would-be princesses, or even another prince?”

“It’s a bit of both. With a sardonic grin, Loki replies, “I suspect the same as you.”


After the episode aired on Disney+, series director Kate Herron, who is bisexual herself, gushed on Twitter about how she had always intended for Loki’s sexual inclinations to be prominent in the series from the start and thus was sort of a self-insert. 



“Fans” were quick to respond, but not all were happy.







The coming-out of Loki is just the latest lean into LGBTQ+ activism for Marvel, which earlier this year released a homeless, nose ring-wearing, homosexual activist Captain America to commemorate the character’s 80th birthday. In other news, Marvel’s blockbuster epic The Eternals, which opens in theaters on November 20, will include the MCU’s first man-on-man homosexual kiss.


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