Dragonlance is a setting full of clashing draconic armies vying for control over the world of Krynn. But beyond the battlefield lies mystery and magic. Krynn’s three moons—red, white, and black—each correspond to a god of magic and their moral outlook on magic’s purpose. It is from these moons that Krynn’s Lunar Sorcery sorcerers draw their power, though your character or one of their ancestors may have been exposed to the magic of another celestial body on another world.
Click below for a preview of the Lunar Sorcery subclass included in Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen:
Get Early Access to the Lunar Sorcery Sorcerer
When you preorder the Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen digital + physical bundle, you’ll get access to the book two weeks early—that’s half a moon cycle for all you Lunar Sorcery sorcerers. On top of early access, you’ll get a special bundle price on the physicial and D&D Beyond digital copies of the adventure! This two-for-one is even sweeter than casting two sacred flames with one action.
Lunar Sorcery Subclass Features
When you choose this subclass at 1st level, you can channel your magic through the power of the moon’s phases—Full Moon, New Moon, and Crescent Moon—unlocking different abilities and skill sets for each lunar phase.
- Lunar Embodiment (1st level): As a Lunar Sorcery sorcerer, you’ll learn a whopping 15 additional spells as you level. Additionally, whenever you finish a long rest, you’ll choose whether you’re channeling the power of the Full Moon, New Moon, or Crescent Moon. When you choose a phase, you can cast the associated 1st-level spell once per day without expending a spell slot.
- Moon Fire (1st level): You learn the sacred flame cantrip and can choose to cast it at two targets within 5 feet of each other instead of only casting the spell on one target. In certain circumstances, this would constitute a free use of Twinned Spell. Even better, when compared to acid splash, a spell with similar mechanics, this special casting of sacred flame deals more damage (d8 damage dice versus d6s).
- Lunar Boons (6th level): Each Lunar Embodiment phase becomes associated with two schools of magic. Whenever you use Metamagic on a spell from a school of magic associated with your current Lunar Embodiment phase, you can reduce the sorcery points spent by 1. You can do so a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. This even works on Metamagic options that only cost 1 sorcery point! At 5th level, that’s three “free” uses of Distant Spell (cast blindness/deafness from 60 feet away!) or Subtle Spell (try counterspelling this!)
- Waxing and Waning (6th level): Now you can shift your Lunar Embodiment phase on a whim! For the cost of a bonus action and 1 sorcery point, you can enter a new Lunar Embodiment phase. In addition, you can cast one 1st-level spell from each lunar phase once per day without expending a spell slot, provided you are in the same lunar phase as the spell. This new feature makes you highly adaptable as it allows you to quickly switch your phases when presented with new challenges. Before entering a battle, you might switch into the Full Moon phase to help prioritize defensive magic. But, if you want to use Metamagic on an evocation spell at a discounted rate, you can quickly switch over to the New Moon phase and blast away!
- Lunar Empowerment (14th level): You further embody your lunar phase. Bolster allied skill checks, improve your own ability to sneak and avoid attacks while in darkness, or boost your innate defenses depending on the lunar phase you’re in. With Waxing and Waning allowing you to shift lunar phases with ease, Lunar Empowerment allows you to have an answer for nearly any scenario!
- Lunar Phenomenon (18th level): As a bonus action—or as part of the bonus action you use to switch Lunar Embodiment phases—you can unleash the power of your current Lunar Embodiment phase. In the Full Moon phase, you burst with light, blinding nearby hostile creatures and healing one allied creature of your choice. In New Moon, you emanate gloom, reducing nearby enemies’ speed and becoming temporarily invisible. During Crescent Moon, you can teleport yourself and one other creature and grant yourselves resistance to all damage until the start of your next turn. And you don’t have to limit yourself to choosing one of these per day. You can use each of these Lunar Phenomenon abilities once per long rest, or spend 5 sorcery points to use one again if you have a favorite.
Lunar Sorcery Compared to Other Sorcerer Subclasses
The Lunar Sorcery sorcerer is a highly versatile subclass, granting more known spells than even the Aberrant Mind and Clockwork Soul subclasses (they grant 11 and 10 additional known spells, respectively). Need to shroud yourself in darkness? Hop into the New Moon phase. Heading into battle with the undead? Good thing you’re in your Crescent Moon phase. While picking a lunar phase once per day will work just fine for most low-level characters, you’ll appreciate the ability to shift as a bonus action starting at 6th level.
You’ll also notice that the Lunar sorcerer’s features are quite forgiving when it comes to resource drain and action economy. Waxing and Waning allows you to change phases with a bonus action and 1 sorcery point, Lunar Embodiment stacks bonuses onto each phase without the need to expend resources, and Lunar Phenomenon’s ability can be triggered when you activate Waxing and Waning.
Furthermore, the Lunar Boon feature makes your Metamagic cheaper to use for certain schools of magic, and the Moon Fire ability effectively allows you to cast sacred flame at two targets instead of one.
Things to Keep in Mind
Remember, you can access the spells under each Lunar Embodiment phase regardless of the phase you’re currently in! This means you have up to an additional 15 spells you can cast, on top of those that your sorcerer learns on their own. However, if you’re looking to perform your once daily casting of the 1st-level spell associated with each lunar phase without a spell slot, you’ll have to be in the corresponding phase.
Due to the sheer number of options they possess, the Lunar Sorcery sorcerer is a subclass for players that love crunching options. If you’re a player that likes to focus on multiple things at once, manage your resources effectively, and have a response for any scenario, then Lunar Sorcery might just be for you!
Building a Lunar Sorcery Sorcerer
The Lunar Sorcery subclass champions flexibility and versatility, allowing you to easily shift from one set of specializations to another. I think players will really enjoy the opportunity to explore the different lunar phases and find one that feels most comfortable. Though the whole subclass has strong celestial and twilight themes, each lunar phase brings its own flavor.
As the Dragonlance setting approaches release, you’ll need a sorcerer that can survive the impending War of the Lance. How will you use this subclass’ adaptability to navigate the many challenges you’ll face? Preorder Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen today to add this subclass to your character sheet as soon as it’s released!
Damen Cook (@damen_joseph) is a lifelong fantasy reader, writer, and gamer. If he woke up tomorrow in Faerun, he would bolt through the nearest fey crossing and drink from every stream and eat fruit from every tree in the Feywild until he found that sweet, sweet wild magic.