For a brief stint during their time on the Avengers, Luke Cage and Jessica Jones ended up hiring Squirrel Girl to serve as their primary babysitter.
Squirrel Girl has been a consistent source of peppy joy in the Marvel Universe, helping others realize their best selves while protecting innocent lives. She’s even become an Avenger thanks to her skills and empathy, with one of her first true encounters with the core Avengers team giving her a unique position within the Marvel Universe.
In New Avengers, Squirrel Girl found surprising employment with the titular superhero team for a time– specifically filling the role of Dani Cage’s nanny.
After having hooked up over the course of Alias, it came as something of a shock to Jessica Jones and Luke Cage when they discovered she was pregnant with their child. Having grown closer in recent months while offering support to her amid the return of the Purple Man, the pair decided to give a full relationship a chance. Not long after, Cage officially joined the New Avengers — with Jessica joining him, the pair marrying and even living in Avengers Tower. After the birth of their daughter Danielle, Jessica even eventually resumed active heroics as well, joining her husband in the field. Following Secret Invasion and the kidnapping of Dani by a rogue Skrull, however, the pair decided it was time for Dani to be trusted with a nanny who could watch out for her whenever her parents were unavailable.
After going through a number of potential candidates for the position in New Avengers #6 by Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen — including Hellcat, Mantis, Aaron Stack, D-Man, Stature, and Tigra — the ultimate decision landed on Squirrel Girl. Having just returned to New York City after an extended stint with the Great Lake Avengers, Squirrel Girl quickly bonded with Dani and moved into the Avengers Mansion to help watch the young girl. Although she didn’t have any experience as a nanny, Squirrel Girl quickly adapted — holding her own in sparring matches with Wolverine, protecting Dani during the chaotic events of Fear Itself, and consistently fighting alongside her teammates while not technically being a member of the active roster.
However, Squirrel Girl would eventually leave this position around the same time that Luke Cage and Jessica Jones would decide to quit being active members of the Avengers. Tired of having their daughter’s life risked by the dangers of being members of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, the couple stepped away from that part of their life and left the group. Squirrel Girl joined left the Avengers with them, continuing to be Dani’s babysitter for a time while also beginning to attend college classes. Eventually, Squirrel Girl was forced to leave this position and watching over Dani consistently — briefly ending up living in the attic of Avengers Mansion before fully enrolling in Empire State University.
It was a brief role for Squirrel Girl serving as the Avengers primary child-care professional, but also a surprisingly fitting one for the young woman. Squirrel Girl has always been defined by her positive attitude, friendly demeanor, and inability to be defeated by almost any villain within the entire Marvel Universe. She was one of the most confident candidates for the position and quickly established a rapoort not just with Dani but with the Avengers around her — including Jessica Jones, who developed a deep appreciation for her and her help.
Thanks to her wealth of experience, it was rare for anyone to even challenge Squirrel Girl, keeping Dani safer than perhaps she’d ever been (or has ever been since), despite living in one of the most targeted buildings in New York City. It was a minor connection, but a sweet bond for Squirrel Girl to develop with the Avengers and helping spread her unique brand of cheer and happiness to others around the Marvel Universe.
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