
Lucasarts Fans, Take Note: ‘The Excavation Of Hob’s Barrow’ Is Coming To Switch


If we were tasked with naming the three creepiest things in the world, in order, it would be: Pointing, clicking, and Yorkshire. Finally, at last, someone has made a game with all three, and it’s called The Excavation Of Hob’s Barrow. Anyone who’s ever enjoyed pointing, clicking, Yorkshire, and horrible eldritch monstrosities should be sure to check it out when it points and clicks its way onto Switch very soon.

The game takes place in 19th century England, in the remote village of Bewlay, as city girl and archaeologist Thomasina Bateman arrives to investigate a mysterious barrow (read: burial mound) out on the desolate moors. Unsurprisingly, the townsfolk aren’t happy to have someone new in their village — cue a lot of Hot Fuzz-like “yer not from around ‘ere”, except in a Yorkshire accent. Thomasina has to bargain, bribe, and bother people to get permission to excavate for her (thrilling) book about England’s barrows. But she might come to rue the effort…


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