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Life Is Strange: 10 Choices With Devastating Consequences


Life Is Strange is a fairly popular indie game by DONTNOD Entertainment that was published by Square Enix in 2015. It’s not a conventional game by any means, but it still garnered a dedicated following for its skillful handling of serious topics, including depression, suicide, divorce, and homosexuality. Life Is Strange follows the life of Max Caulfield after she’s accepted to the prestigious Blackwell Academy.

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The game excels at portraying the complexities of life for young adults trying to make their way in the world and the potential dangers lurking in unlikely places. There’s also a focus on trying to resolve problems with the least amount of violence or force, and players are rewarded with positive outcomes when they’re mindful of their decisions. There are several choices throughout the game that have negative outcomes, but some are worse than others.

10 Warning Victoria About The Dark Room Results In Her Death

victoria chase in the dark room from life is strange

Victoria’s fate in Episode 5 depends on whether Max warns her about the Dark Room. Interestingly, warning Victoria about Jefferson’s machinations results in Victoria getting caught by Jefferson and, presumably, murdered. If Max doesn’t tell Victoria about the Dark Room, Victoria won’t be there when Max is eventually kidnapped by Jefferson. Since Victoria isn’t in the room, it’s fair to assume that she’s safe. Victoria might not be the nicest person, but she certainly doesn’t deserve to die at the hands of a serial killer.

9 Max Can Potentially Break Apart Joyce & David’s Marriage

joyce price and david madsen from life is strange

The Price family conflict is a recurring theme in Life Is Strange, with the key issue being Chloe’s rejection of her stepfather, David. The game gives players the opportunity to support Joyce’s relationship with David or side with Chloe’s perception of David. Logically speaking, Joyce has the advantage of age and wisdom, so it’s fair to assume that David probably isn’t as bad as Chloe makes him seem. If Max consistently sides with David whenever a conflict with him arises, Joyce will remain married to him. But if she sides with Chloe, Joyce and David will divorce.

8 Pompidou Will Die If His Bone Is Thrown In The Street

pompidou from life is strange

In Episode 3, Max and Chloe are attempting to break into Frank’s trailer so they can find clues about Rachel. But with Frank’s dog, Pompidou, acting as a guard, the delinquent duo won’t be able to access Frank’s RV. Chloe digs a bone out of a nearby trashcan and leaves it to Max to distract him.

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The game offers players a choice to either throw the bone somewhere in the parking lot or throw it onto the road. If players choose to throw the bone onto the road, Pompidou will get struck by a car.

7 Telling Frank The Truth About Rachel Makes Him Blame Himself

rachel amber and frank bowers from life is strange

If Frank’s death is prevented earlier in the game, Max has the opportunity to talk to him in the Two Whales diner while the storm ravages Arcadia during the final episode. The conversation ends up on the topic of Rachel, and Max is given the choice to tell Frank about the truth behind Rachel’s death. If she tells Frank truthfully that she died of an overdose, Frank becomes guilty and blames himself for her death. While it’s technically true, it’s unnecessarily cruel to put him in that mindset.

6 Several Choices Could Result In Kate Taking Her Own Life

kate marsh from life is strange

Life Is Strange attempts to deal with several heavy themes, and bullying is one of them. Kate Marsh’s entire arc revolves around trying to help her realize she’s not alone and give her some much-needed solidarity. The game gives Max several opportunities to interact with Kate or respond to events that include her. If players aren’t consistently supportive of Kate, Max will have a much harder time trying to talk Kate out of ending her own life. Kindness is the key.

5 Attempting To Shoot Frank Leads To Him Getting Shot Later

chloe with a gun from life is strange

In Episode 2, Max is given the option to try and shoot Frank with David’s gun during her and Chloe’s confrontation with him. If she chooses to shoot him, Chloe will have a gun with her in a later episode when they confront Frank again. Similarly, if Max doesn’t stop Warren from beating up Nathan earlier in the story, Chloe will have a gun during the second confrontation. Max has the option of deescalating the situation with Frank even if Chloe does have a gun, but it’s safest to prevent her from having the gun at all.

4 Failing To Help Alyssa Leads To Her Death

alyssa at the end of life is strange

Alyssa is Max’s awkward classmate who frequently finds herself being bullied by other Blackwell students. Max has the opportunity to assist Alyssa on four different occasions during the game. If Max fails to help even once, there will be a scene where Alyssa falls to her death during the final episode of the game.

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If Max does help, however, a different cutscene with Alyssa will play during the final episode. She will save Max from being crushed by a falling sign during the storm and thank Max for all her help.

3 David Will Shoot Jefferson If Told About Chloe’s Death

jefferson after being shot by david in life is strange

Although players might feel sympathy for David after he finds out Jefferson killed Chloe, the best course of action for dealing with Jefferson would be to turn him in to the authorities. In order to prevent David from killing Jefferson, Max needs to keep Chloe’s death a secret. In the larger scheme of things, killing Jefferson is senseless revenge and could potentially get David put in prison for manslaughter. It’s best to avoid this whole situation by keeping quiet about Chloe and letting the authorities deal with Jefferson accordingly.

2 Taking Kate’s Photo While She’s Being Interrogated Can Lead To Her Death

max taking photo of kate in life is strange

While David is pressing Kate for information in Episode 1, Max has the option of either taking a photo as evidence or intervening on Kate’s behalf. If Max chooses to take the photo, Kate will feel distressed by Max’s hands-off approach, and it will be harder for Max to talk her away from the edge later in the game. Kate’s situation is delicate, and players need to be deliberate in helping her the way she needs to be helped if they hope to save her life.

1 Max’s Ultimate Decision To Save Chloe Or Arcadia

max choosing to sacrifice chloe or arcadia in life is strange

This is the hardest decision Max has to make over the course of the story. The consequences of either option are terrible because life will be lost either way, and it’s up to Max to weigh the life of one very important person against the lives of many others. It’s an unfair expectation to place on someone, but it’s a decision only Max can make. Either outcome is heartbreaking and it’s ultimately up to the player’s personal ethics to choose which sacrifice is worth it for the other.

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