Legends of Tomorrow has had plenty of outlandish moments, but only one can take the top spot.
After a rocky first season, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow has become the favorite Arrowverse show of many a fan. One of the main reasons for that is that the show embraces the wackiness of its premise for all it’s worth. After all, when you have a group of superheroes on a time traveling ship looking to protect history, being too serious can ultimately work against you, as seen during the first season. During what is arguably the show’s worst season to date, the storyline of trying to fight immortal tyrant Vandal Savage across history was so boring that the show itself has lampshaded it more than once.
From Season 2 onward, Legends of Tomorrow has embraced the zaniness of its setting for better or worse, from them casually altering history and killing important historical figures, to Mick Rory getting pregnant with alien babies, to Nate and President Kennedy playing literal football with the nuclear football during the Cuban Missile Crisis, all the way to one of the most unforgettable moments of the series, where a giant Beebo lays the smackdown against the Time Demon Mallus. In truth, Legends of Tomorrow has had so many outlandish moments that choosing one that stands above the rest is a tall order. However, the most recent season has probably one of the most out there moments of not only the entire series, but potentially the Arrowverse in general. The moment in question is when the entire Earth was turned into a bowling ball.
For context, the episode in question, “Season 6, Episode 11, The Final Frame,” features the Legends finding the last alien pod they were searching for, which contained an alien invitation to a cosmic bowling alley, causing several of the Legends to be teleported there. Looking to hitch a ride home, Spooner ends up accidentally challenging a group of alien bowlers in a game of Cosmic Bowling, where the native’s planet is turned into a bowling ball and used by the Pin Killers during the game. If the natives lose, their planet is left as a ball and placed in the trophy case of the Pin Killers, and the losing team are disintegrated.
The same thing happens to Earth, and the planet ends up being the stakes that the Legends have to worry about during the game. This is eventually revealed midway through the episode, as the Waverider has been unable to find Earth where it was supposed to be. Funnily enough, Nate and Zari were on the planet when it happened and soon become aware of what’s happening when they look up in the sky and see Mick’s face looking down on them.
Nate and Zari end up using this to their advantage when they shoot a finger from one of the aliens while he’s trying to bowl, costing them a strike, and the episode ends with the Legends winning against the Pin Killers and Sara rolling the Earth ball out the door and somehow putting it back in its proper place.
This was definitely one of the most, if not the most, absurd moment in Legends of Tomorrow, but unlike other scenes and moments, this may not have been a good thing. While the show has always embraced the craziness and has been generally less attached to the continuity of the rest of the Arrowverse shows, this moment raised the question of why characters like Superman, Supergirl and the Flash didn’t get involved when their entire planet became a bowling ball.
Furthermore, it feels like an absurd escalation, even when considering the multiversal crises that have already taken place. Of course, that’s not to say that there aren’t DC characters who aren’t powerful enough to do something like this, but as Astra pointed out in the episode, such a feat would be something that would feel more appropriate as the work of Gods, which the Pin Killers explicitly deny they are.
Whatever the case, it’s clear that the Earth being turned into a bowling ball by a group of aliens is arguably the most absurd and outlandish thing that has ever happened in Legends of Tomorrow.
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