Publisher Forever Entertainment has announced that Magical Drop VI will be launching on Nintendo Switch this Winter, marking a return for the Japanese puzzle franchise after the most recent entry, Magical Drop V, released way back in 2012 on Steam.
The Magical Drop series features classic colour-matching gameplay and has previously seen launches on consoles like the Neo geo Arcade, Super Famicom, Sega Saturn, and Game Boy Color. The latest entry for the Switch look to be sticking to the tried-and-tested formula, albeit with multiple modes including Story, Arcade, Path od Destiny, and online play.
Here’s a list of features from Forever Entertainment:
– More than 15 playable characters each with their own unique story and music tracks
– Local and online multiplayer modes
– Dozens and dozens of challenges
– 6 Solo game modes
– …And many more surprises!
We’ll be sure to update you once we have a firm release date!
Are you excited for the return of the Magical Drop franchise? Share your thoughts on this latest entry in the comments below!