Comics News

Legendary Comics Artist George Pérez Battling Stage 3 Pancreatic Cancer


Legendary Comics Artist George Pérez Battling Stage 3 Pancreatic Cancer


George Pérez, the iconic comic book artist most well-known for his work on DC’s Crisis on Infinite Earths, Teen Titans, and Wonder Woman, as well as Marvel Comics’ The Avengers and The Infinity Gauntlet, confirmed today through his social media that he has stage three pancreatic cancer.



On November 29th, Pérez says he received confirmation that, after undergoing surgery for a liver blockage, that he has Stage 3 Pancreatic Cancer and that it is surgically inoperable. Doctors informed him that he has between 6 months to a year to live. He has declined chemotherapy and radiation therapy, instead opting to “just let nature take its course.” He plans to enjoy his remaining days as fully as possible with his wife, family, friends and fans.


Here is the full statement from his Facebook page today. Be sure to read the entire message.




What a tragedy. We salute Mr. George Pérez, thank him for his invaluable contributions to the world of art and comics, pray he experiences peace and joy during his remaining days on earth, and send our sincerest regards to his friends and families.


Chris Braly

I’m a collector, a speculator, and one opinionated, based geek. My friends call me Braly, but those who know me within the hobby generally refer to me as Bralinator. I try to steer this tiny ship and can often be heard monthly on the Comic Book Page Previews Spotlight podcast with several low-level, other comic book nerds. Follow me on Twitter @ChrisBraly


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