The Legend of Korra introduced an entire new cast of characters in the Avatar universe, and they vary greatly in their bending abilities, their nations of origins, their professions, and most certainly their personalities. Avatar Korra, the hero, is a vastly different person than her predecessor Aang, for example.
Korra grows and matures as a person throughout the series, and the same is true for many of her friends and allies, such as the bender brothers Mako and Bolin, and her friend and later lover Asami Sato. However, many Korra characters are noted for being quite immature, bratty, or juvenile at first, and some of them never really grew up at all.
10 Mako Has A Bad Attitude
Overall, the Firebender named Mako is a fairly mature and responsible young man, but he does have his immature side that comes up fairly often. For example, Mako is standoffish, high-strung, and fails to realize that he often alienates people or makes a bad impression on them, such as Korra.
Mako also had a hot temper when things got personal, and when he and Korra had their big fight as boyfriend and girlfriend, Mako certainly did his part to stoke the flames and prolong the fight. Korra may have been angrier, but Mako was definitely in the wrong, too.
9 Varrick Is Obnoxious & Self-Centered
Varrick is a scheming inventor, and while he is a brilliant man and a skilled entrepreneur, his personality leaves plenty of room for improvement. For example, Varrick is rather demanding in the workplace, and he issues orders rapid-fire without realizing that most people can’t keep up. Bolin called him out on that.
In addition, Varrick is goofy, eccentric, and self-centered, and he cares very little about what other people think or need unless it benefits him somehow. He also tends to make messes and expects other people to clean things up. Fortunately, he grew up a lot in Season 4 and married Zhu Li as a changed man.
8 Tahno Was A Petty Creep
Tahno is a pro bender who loves to torment his foes in the arena, and he is a smug and arrogant jock overall. To an extent, that persona may be for the benefit of his career, to intimidate his opponents and put on a show for the crowd. But there is more to it.
Outside the arena, far away from the adoring crowds, Tahno is still an obnoxious, vain, and self-centered person who is quick to look down on others. He also formed a creepy rivalry with Korra for a time, until Amon the revolutionary took his bending. After that, Tahno settled down a bit.
7 Bolin Gets Carried Away & Keeps Goofing Off
Bolin the Earthbender is a talented fighter, and he has a heart of gold, which is what attracted Opal to him. He is also a vital member of Team Avatar. Personality-wise, Bolin is a lot of fun, but he also tends to act like a kid, and he seems to have poor emotional regulation, too.
Bolin simply fell apart and threw a tantrum when he saw Mako kissing Korra one evening, and he also tends to blurt out bizarre nonsense even in the most serious conversations. He also let his brief movie stardom get to his head, and didn’t listen at first when Mako tried to call him out on it.
6 Ryu Won’t Take Responsibility For Anything
Ryu is something of a NEET in the Korra universe, a lazy Earth Kingdom native who seems content to stay in his mother’s basement, whiling away the time on whatever idle activities he can think of. He became an Airbender in Season 3 but took no interest in his new powers. He didn’t feel like a hero in the making.
Ryu made a lousy impression with his apathetic and irresponsible attitude, and no mature person would ever sink to that level. He refused to even leave the house, even when Korra tried to force him. Eventually, he did join the Airbenders, but he was still apathetic about it all.
5 Kai Steals Things & Acts Without Permission
When Kai first appeared, he was a terribly immature person who simply acted polite and mature so people would lower their guard around him. Kai wasn’t a desperate street urchin; he was a thief, and he once stole Bolin and Mako’s money and ran off with it in the urban sprawl of Ba Sing Se.
Kai also ran off with his new friend Jinora and ran afoul of sky bison poachers. Eventually, Kai grew up and became a respectable Airbender, but at first, he was nothing but a bratty rogue.
4 Bumi Was The Oldest Child But Acted Like The Youngest
Bumi is the eldest child of Aang and Katara, born as a nonbender. He compensated for this with his wild antics, and he eventually joined the United Nations forces as a commander. According to his brother Tenzin, he acted like the youngest child despite being the eldest of three.
Bumi means well, but his maturity is shockingly low for a man his age. He is stubborn, impulsive, goofy, and whimsical, and he endlessly frustrates his brother and sister with his nonsense. Still, if people need him, Bumi will step forth as a creative and unconventional hero.
3 Avatar Korra Was A Real Brat At First
Avatar Korra did a lot of growing up as the series went on, but overall, she definitely ranks among the least mature characters in this series. On the plus side, she has character strengths such as courage, conviction, generosity, and compassion on her side. She understands that Avatars like her must serve others, not themselves.
However, Korra is prone to disobeying orders to fulfill her whims and impulses, and she creates a messy love triangle between herself, Mako and Bolin. She is also short-tempered, confrontational, and reckless, which gives her mentor Tenzin all kinds of headaches. She’s difficult to predict or control.
2 Ikki Loves To Mess Around
Tenzin and Pema’s second-oldest child, Ikki, is a real handful. This young Airbender is just as whimsical and erratic as her friend Korra, though she isn’t nearly as prone to fits of rage or jealousy. Ikki is too young for drama like that.
Ikki is protective of her family and is a creative fighter, but otherwise, she is very much a child, from her tantrums and insecurities to her impulsive and bratty behavior. She was the one who told Asami that Korra had a crush on Mako at the time, a move that Korra did not appreciate.
1 Meelo Is Tenzin’s Wildest Child
Tenzin’s and Pema’s third child, Meelo, is a real handful, just like his big sister Ikki, and for roughly similar reasons. Like Ikki, Meelo is an energetic and impulsive kid who has no filter or restraint of any kind. He absolutely acts his age, which can quickly irritate everyone around him.
Meelo is a bit of an attention-seeker, and he likes to show off to impress other people with his odd skills. He is also the one who uses airbending to take “passing wind” to the next level, even in the middle of combat. No one but Meelo would think of such a move and use it.
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