The second 2022 issue of Shueisha‘s Weekly Shonen Jump magazine revealed on Monday that Tadatoshi Fujimaki (Kuroko’s Basketball, Robot × Laserbeam) will pen a new one-shot manga that Shueisha will publish in the combined third and fourth issue of the magazine on December 20. The “academy comedy action” manga is titled “Kiruaoharu,” and it will have 51 pages with a color opening page.
Fujimaki previously published a one-shot in the magazine in January 2020.
Fujimaki launched the Robot × Laserbeam manga in March 2017, and ended the seven-volume series in June 2018. Viz Media published the manga digitally in English.
Fujimaki serialized his Kuroko’s Basketball manga in Weekly Shonen Jump from 2008-2014. The manga inspired three television anime series, two compilation anime films, a new anime film, a sequel manga, a light novel, a spinoff manga, and a series of stage plays. Viz Media also published the manga in English.
Source: Weekly Shonen Jump issue 2