Kings of Nowhere, the fantasy crime graphic novel series from cartoonist Soroush Barazesh, known online by the handle Koteri Ink, has found a new home. Dark Horse Books has announced that they will publish Kings of Nowhere Volume 1 this fall. The graphic novel was originally published independently by Barazesh following a successful Kickstarter campaign.
Here’s how Dark Horse describes Kings of Nowhere Volume 1:
Bili is the son of a notorious gangster, but his quiet and lonesome demeanor makes him an easy target for local thugs. When an unexpected beating takes a ruthless turn, Bili is overcome with intense rage and trauma—transforming him into his chimera form—into that of an ape. As he struggles to cope with his new life, he faces ever growing challenges—from confronting his hatred for his father to learning how to thrive in the unforgiving slums ruled by crime lords and corruption. With the aid of new comrades, Hamed a baboon and Zatoichi a blind monkey, Bili embarks on a life of purpose—a life of cold, unapologetic vengeance against each of those who have taken a piece of him—who he once was . . . and what he will ultimately become.
Soroush Barazesh has a devoted following on social media, with his Instagram account, @koteriink, having amassed an impressive 510K followers. Barazesh has successfully crowdfunded two volumes of the Kings of Nowhere series, with chapters of the second volume available digitally via the creator’s website.
Check out a five-page preview of Kings of Nowhere below; you can also head over to Barazesh’s website to read the first 34 pages of the book right now. With a cover price of $19.99, the Kings of Nowhere Volume 1 softcover graphic novel is set to arrive in comic shops on Wednesday, September 28th, and in bookstores on Tuesday, October 11th.