
Knights of the Old Republic’s cinematics in Unreal 5 will make you pine for when Star Wars was good


Youtuber Unreal Cinema has a dream, and that dream is simple: to remake Knights of the Old Republic’s cinematics in Unreal Engine 5, and make them look amazing. He’s even got the nod from Lucasfilm Games that they won’t sic the lawyers on it. So sit back, relax, and imagine you’re twenty years younger and KOTOR always looked like this.

The big caveat of course is that Unreal Cinema is all about cinematics, and this project is purely about making a KOTOR mini-series out of the game’s cutscenes: it’s not a game, nor will it be. And the chances of us ever getting a proper KOTOR remaster are basically non-existent, as it’s part of ‘old’ Star Wars lore and Disney doesn’t like that. This is still a bit of a sore point with me: imagine chucking out those wonderful Timothy Zahn novels in favour of the utter garbage that was the sequels trilogy. Ahem.


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