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Kingpin’s Hawaiian Shirt Is an Unexpected Spider-Man Link


Hawkeye has officially brought the Kingpin back into the MCU, but of his many changes, one has a very unique connection to The Amazing Spider-Man.

WARNING: The following contains major spoilers for Season 1 of Hawkeye, streaming now on Disney+.

The season finale of Marvel Studios’ Hawkeye was filled with big action, big fun and the big reappearance of Wilson Fisk/Kingpin (Vincent D’Onofrio). For most fans, the expectations for his reappearance would involve some connections to his appearance in the Daredevil series, but there are many signs that this version of the character is similar in many ways and different in others. One of the more apparent changes involves the character’s unique wardrobe choice. That being said, his attire in the episode’s final battle has ties to a Spider-Man series from 2014.

When the Kingpin is first introduced, he’s shown in a meeting with Eleanor Bishop (Vera Farmiga), where she wants to stop working with Fisk. In the scene, it’s established that he’s the man in charge of the Tracksuit Mafia, and he appears brandishing a cane and wearing his white coat calling back to his early comic appearances. However, unlike the Netflix version, the way he carries himself is formal but with more edge than previous appearances. That being said, when he appears during the final confrontation, he opts to look less formal and appears in a red, floral shirt, white coat and white fedora.

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In the character’s live-action appearances, Fisk has been shown to be a formal but dangerous underworld businessman. Therefore, his appearance in Hawkeye comes as a shock due to the severe lack of formality that has yet to be established with the character. However this outfit, as shown by a fan on Twitter, is a tie to The Amazing Spider-Man: Family Business series by Mark Waid, James Robinson, Werther Dell’Edera and Gabriele Dell’Otto. The story follows Peter Parker as he tries to uncover a mystery tied to his past. He also meets his sister, Theresa, and crosses paths with the Kingpin. In the book, the Kingpin spends most of his time in Tunisia and Cairo, introducing his vacation attire.

As it turns out, the narrative reason for the Kingpin’s outfit is partly due to his location. Rather than wearing a heavy formal suit, it’s more comfortable to wear a short-sleeved floral button up to fit the climate better. However, it’s also confirmed that the Kingpin has since lost most of his power, causing him to law low out of the country, explaining why he appears slightly out of character. That being said, in Hawkeye, there’s no real explanation for why he wears this outfit.

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Toward the episode’s climax, Fisk appears, without explanation, in the outfit to confront Eleanor. Thematically, the outfit totally contrasts the winter and Christmas settings. In doing so, it also separates him from the warmth and benevolent feelings that come with the holiday. However, the suit may also show, like in the comic, that the Kingpin’s power isn’t as prominent as it was in Daredevil. Instead, the Tracksuit Mafia may be all he has right now, and his massive criminal organization is in the process of gaining more power.

Wilson Fisk’s big reappearance was met with intense action sequences and surprises no fan could have expected, but one surprise that was hidden in plain sight was Fisk’s wardrobe choice in the finale. By showing the character in this light opens even more possibilities of what other callbacks could be used. His actions could also show how much more intimidating the character can be.

To see the Kingpin’s MCU return, Season 1 of Hawkeye is now streaming on Disney+.

KEEP READING: A Hawkeye Guide: News, Easter Eggs, Reviews, Theories and Rumors


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