Comics Reviews

Killadelphia #16 | Comic Book Blog


Rodney Barnes, Writer

Jason Shawn Alexander, Artist

Luis NCT, Colors

Marshall Dillon, Letters


In the previous issue, Jupiter pursues a confrontation with Thomas Jefferson, Seesaw seeks to have a conversation with God about saving an unborn child, and The Philadelphia PD struggles to stop the vampire horde led by Abigail. This story arc, “Home is where the hatred is”, builds on a couple of larger themes: Gaining freedom by confronting past traumas, and stopping current traumas by preserving those that are still alive. This issue titled, “Having a little talk with God”, begins with Seesaw is in heaven having a conversation with God trying to convince him to save a life from the vampire horde. Meanwhile, Thomas Jefferson and his former slaves fight over the right to be free. Abigail meets with her subjects about how she can become the next ruler supreme. And, Sangster Sr. and his cohorts fight to keep the vampire horde from destroying Philadelphia. 

When I read this book, I’m left wondering what did I miss? It is probably what keeps me coming back every month:  There are deeper truths hidden within the dynamics played out between the fictitious characters. Such as, how could a slave and slave owner show affection toward each other? Are the Abigails of the world interested only in gaining power, or has society been overrun by the evil parts of ourselves and we don’t even know it? Do we know it but refuse to accept that we as a society are to blame.

Artistically, several panels stick out to me but my favorite comes on page 14 of the digital copy. Sangster Sr. looks through a broken window, which creates a frame of his image. He says, “I can’t wait to come to y’all’s house and act a fool. “ It is hilarious because he makes the statement within the context of a horde of vampires, and he is one of them. The deep, dark, shadowy times remain consistent throughout. The panels flow nicely keeping in step with the story. The flashback of a figure who appears in a top hat on page 16 is artistically very appealing because of its aged tone due to the shades of browns used which are in contrast with the blacks and reds in other parts of the book.

This story remains compelling and interesting because of the story threads all connecting back to the fear of the vampires and who will gain power. Overall 9.5/10 

jason shawn alexanderLuis NCTMarshall Dillonrodney barnes

About The Author


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