Comics News

Juan Doe to tell four horror stories in new one-shot, SPECTRO


Juan Doe has a new horror one-shot comic called Spectro, in which he tells four separate stories, all of them in the horror genre.

Doe is even doing his own variant cover for the book, which is due out May 18 from publisher AfterShock Comics. With a price tag of $7.99, the book spans 48 pages and comes in a prestige size.

SPECTRO is my spin on the horror anthology,” Doe said in a statement that accompanied the book’s announcement. “Like all horror stories, it plays with primal human fears and with this book I focused on some specific themes that I wanted to inspect. The fear of social failure and its consequences. The fear of not being recognized, appreciated or seen. The fear of success, of giving in to your ego. The fear of hope, of believing in something good that may never come. All these stories fall into a sort of cosmic karma category and I was very excited to explore that under this banner. SPECTRO as a title or theme is a reference to spectrography, to the breakdown of the spectrum of light and I liked the idea of a spectrum of stories both visible and invisible that could be explored.”

Doe cited The Twilight Zone, Black Mirror, Creepshow, and Tales from the Darkside as inspirations for the stories, noting that he also hoped to evoke vintage sci-fi pulps as well as EC Comics.

Doe frequently pus out work through AfterShock, with other recent books for the publisher such as Bad Reception, Dark Ark, and Animosity: The Rise.

You can check out the cover for the new anthology below…



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