It’s been quite a year for the team at Sucker Punch (and for everyone). Last July, we shipped Ghost of Tsushima while working from home. Since then, we’ve been overwhelmed with gratitude by the positive responses we received from players all over the world. One year later, Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut is set to be released on August 20. We can’t wait to share new stories of Jin Sakai with all of you!
As part of the Director’s Cut, you’ll be able to play a new story expansion featuring Jin, set on Iki Island with new locations to discover, characters to meet, tales to complete, and more.
Jin’s journey begins when he discovers that a mysterious Mongol tribe has gained a foothold on Iki. They are led by a revered shaman called Ankhsar Khatun, known to her followers as “the Eagle.” As both a khatun and a shaman, she is not only a conqueror of nations, but a shepherd of souls. And the danger she presents to Jin and his people is unlike any they have faced.
The only way to counter this threat is for Jin to return to Iki Island. He’s been there once before. And in confronting a new and dangerous enemy, he will be forced to face old fears, and unearth deeply buried traumas. As you explore a new island and battle new threats, you’ll also delve into the dark past of clan Sakai…
Our semi-fictional version of Iki Island provides a stark contrast to Tsushima. It is a wild, lawless land of raiders and criminals, scarred by memories of war, and fiercely independent; the samurai have not been in control there for decades. Skilled though he is, Jin can’t take on the Mongols alone. He will have to work with—or around—a coterie of unsavory characters to take the fight to the Eagle. The cost of failure is too high. If the Eagle and her tribe subdue Iki and muster the support of its people, Tsushima and the rest of Japan will be in grave danger.
The stories you find on Tsushima are filled with action and adventure. The same is true for Iki Island. In the fight to save Iki, Jin will encounter pirates and smugglers, mad monks and haunted caves. There will be new legends to hear, and new techniques to learn. Jin will have to bring all his skills to bear to defeat this new enemy.
We’ll also continue telling intimate, emotional, personal stories. Stories about real people struggling to let go of old hatreds and survive in a time of war. Stories about how it feels to be caught between preserving cherished beliefs and defending your home. What it means to be Lord Sakai… and what it means to be the Ghost.
With everything that has happened this past year, it’s no accident we also wanted to tell a story of healing… And we felt this would pose a unique and compelling challenge for Jin. We all suffer wounds, from the humblest farmer to the mightiest jito. Wounds from the past that we carry with us. And the thing about a wound is that you can’t fight it, or stealth your way around it. Ghost weapons and samurai techniques won’t help you. A wound can only be healed.
The Iki Island story expansion will be available as part of the Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut. You can pre-order now for $69.99 USD / €79.99 / £69.99 on PS5 and $59.99 USD / €69.99 / £59.99 on PS4, or if you already own Ghost of Tsushima on PS4, you can pre-order an upgrade to Director’s Cut on PS4 for $19.99 USD / €19.99 / £15.99.
We are so thrilled that you will once again be able to experience our world through the eyes of Jin Sakai! It was a joy and a privilege to write for such a gifted cast… some you will recognize, and some will surprise you (and maybe both). There’s so much more to tell, which we’re excited to share leading up to our launch on August 20.
And when you join us on Iki Island, bear in mind the advice of a wise woman named Yuriko: “The strength we need is all around us.”
Looking around at my team and what we accomplished in this difficult year, I think she’s right. And I think Jin Sakai would agree.