
Japanese Animation TV Ranking, November 8-14 – News


This week’s episode of Nippon Chinmotsu – Kibō no Hito (Japan Sinks – People of Hope), a new live-action version of Sakyo Komatsu‘s Japan Sinks (Nihon Chinmotsu) science-fiction novel, aired on Sunday, November 14 at 9:00 p.m., and it earned a 16.9% rating.

The latest episode of Radiation House 2, the second season live-action series based on Tomohiro Yokomaku and Taishi Mori‘s Radiation House manga, aired on Fuji TV on Monday, November 8 at 9:00 p.m., and it earned an 11.7% rating.

The television ratings above are an estimate of the percentage of the population that watch a given program, based on data from a survey of households in Japan’s Kanto region. The ratings do not count recordings that viewers watch later.

Source: Video Research (Kanto region)


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