Actor Ryan Reynolds and Peacemaker creator James Gunn exchange social media banter over Aviation Gin’s about-faced “cameo” appearance.
After actor Ryan Reynolds praised his gin brand’s “cameo” in a recently aired Peacemaker episode, series creator James Gunn quickly joined the conversation.
The wisecrack crosstalk began when Reynolds first posted a Peacemaker screenshot. Taken from Episode 5, “Monkey Dory,” the photo shows Peacemaker prepping his version of a Peace Train cocktail. The beverage’s disgusting ingredients, including maple syrup, white vinegar, yak butter, sweet vermouth and gin, spread across the superhero’s countertop. Although the liquor’s label was not viewable to audiences, Reynolds nonetheless spotted his Aviation Gin’s distinctively ridged bottle, leading to his dual Peacemaker and Aviation shout-out.
Gunn’s reply confirmed that the “special guest” prop was Reynold’s Aviation Gin and jokingly thanked the actor for riding the Peace Train. About-facing recognizable labels is a typical trick of the filmmaking trade to avoid trademark licensing fees. For this reason, the Peacemaker writer/director posted a follow-up Aviation Gin picture from his prop department, which was taken to maintain set continuity throughout the scene’s various shots.
The Peace Train cocktail and sly Aviation Gin appearance happened after Peacemaker’s ARGUS team discovered an alien-food distribution base and destroyed a legion of human-harboring creatures, called the Butterflies. Since the bloody battle was ARGUS’ first victory, Peacemaker invited his teammate Leota Adebayo for a celebratory drink. However, the superhero abandoned the traditional Peace Train recipe and instead stirred a bizarre cocktail concoction with additional peppercorns, syrup and vinegar. Peacemaker handed the beverage to Adebayo, exchanged cheers in a moment of camaraderie and struggled to swallow down what she complainingly told him was “a feces drink.”
Gunn explained that he created the gross recipe by imagining a backstory scene, where Peacemaker and fellow superhero Vigilante tried out new cocktail mixtures during an alcohol-filled night. As Gunn noted on Twitter, “I just made up some dumb shit I thought [Peacemaker] & [Vigilante] might make drunk at 4 am after daring each other to make more & more disgusting drinks & by this point they were just drunk enough to somehow believe they had invented a classic.”
Like Gunn’s action-comedy television adaption, which vastly reimagined DC’s original Peacemaker comic series, Reynolds has similarly portrayed a fresh take on a major Marvel character. Featured in 2016’s Deadpool and 2018’s Deadpool 2, Reynolds’ foul-mouth comedic rendition of the death-defying superhero Deadpool turned the R-rated franchise into a box office hit. However, despite fan demands for another Deadpool film, Reynolds recently announced his hiatus from acting. In the meantime, following a $610 million co-ownership sale of the Aviation brand, Reynolds continues to promote his ongoing investment interest in Aviation Gin.
New episodes of Peacemaker air Thursdays on HBO Max.