Ascendent Animation announced on Tuesday that it has released the Ishida and Asakura (Ishida to Asakura) gag comedy anime on DVD. The release includes the English dub of the anime. Ascendent Animation stated the anime is available for purchase on Amazon and Right Stuf, but as of press time Right Stuf is out of stock of the DVD but is expecting more stock.
Ascendent Animation describes the anime:
Ishida and Asakura follows the quirky and crazy adventures of two high school students who just want to achieve their dreams after graduation. Ishida wants to open up a flower shop with his best friend, while Asakura wants nothing more than to be surrounded by boobs as a professor of Boob Physics. (Yes, Seriously)
The dub cast includes:
The cast also includes: Reece Bridger, Venus Carey, Kevin Couto, Paul Davey, Brandon Green, Erin Hamilton, Ryan Hoyle, Kdin Jenzen, Danielle McRae, Edward Mendoza, Chris Pavon, Brian Rollins, Tamara Ryan, Patrick M. Seymour, Sean Tay, Shane Tay, Minh Ton, Jonathon Virella, and Elwin G. Williams III.
K. Cornell Kellum and Preston Cowley produced the dub, Kiba Walker directed the dub and wrote the script, and Steve Warky Nunez served as ADR engineer and script translator.
The two-minute anime shorts premiered on Tokyo MX in January 2013. Crunchyroll streamed the anime overseas as it aired in Japan.
The Japanese cast stars Nobuhisa Nakamoto as Asakura and Shūta Morishima as Ishida. Tooru Sakurai and Saima Nakano play classmates Yamada and Satō, respectively, while Sumi Shimamoto plays Kinoshita-sensei. Rayli performed the anime’s theme song “Dokidokidoku.”
Pippuya (Kachō no Koi) directed and storyboarded the anime at the studios Dax Production and Hotline (Shiba Inuko-san). Kenichi Yamashita (Ginga e Kickoff!!, Ginga Densetsu Weed) was in charge of the scripts, and PEN designed the characters.
The manga debuted in both Shonengahosha‘s main Young King magazine and Monthly Young King in 2011, and it ended after 15 installments in July 2012. Shonengahosha published the second compiled book volume with a previously unpublished ending in December 2012.
Source: Press release