
Is Roblox Still Down And When Will It Be Up Again?


A crowd of Roblox avatars waving at the camera.

Image: Roblox / Kotaku

Roblox, one of the most popular games in the world, has been down for over a day now and while many frustrated players are blaming an in-game Chiplote promotion, the devs say that free burritos aren’t the reason for the outage.

Roblox is a giant platform that allows players around the world to create and sell their own games and in-game items to others. Millions of kids log in every day to play Roblox, but right now they can’t because all the servers are currently down. The outage appears to have started more than 35 hours ago, at 7 p.m. ET on October 28th.

The following morning on October 29 at 9:19 a.m. ET, the official Roblox Twitter account posted that it was aware of the server outage and was working on a fix.

Around 5 pm ET, Roblox’s devs were still working on fixing the server issues, posting a new tweet that apologized for the outage and assured players it was making progress on fixing the situation.

This tweet also included a message to players that the outage wasn’t caused by any “specific experiences or partnerships on the platform.” This seems to be a reference to the theory among many players that the outage was caused by Chipotle giving away $1 million dollars worth of free burritos in Roblox. That event started about an hour before the server crash started.

The timing is certainly suspicious, but for now, Roblox is being careful not to blame a big partner for such a huge server collapse. As for the actual reason the servers are down, Roblox has elaborated yet or explained what the cause could be.

It’s been hours since Roblox has updated its server status page or tweeted out a new message about the ongoing server outage. So it seems like it might be at least a few more hours before everything is back up and running.

While many younger players might be upset about this, I’d imagine a ton of parents are happy that they don’t have to play Adopt Me for a few hours. Plus, considering how shady and scummy Roblox is and how it uses children to help it create more games and become bigger, without paying them back fairly, I’m sure many others are happy if Roblox never comes back online.


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