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Is Mary Poppins a Time Lord? A Popular Theory May Explain the Magical Nanny


A wild fan theory suggests that Mary Poppins could be a Gallifreyan Time Lord, and it actually makes sense.

The titular character in Mary Poppins is certainly an elusive, mysterious and altogether magical nanny that somehow transforms rebellious children into picturesque little humans. Her mystery is a part of the film’s charm, given that there’s no information given in regard to her back story or her magic. She simply exists, spreading her positivity, discipline and fun with her wherever she goes, but there’s a fan theory out there that may offer an explanation for Mary Poppins’ mysterious nature. Reddit user @SiliconLemming posted a theory that suggests Mary is something altogether not human; instead, she is a Time Lord from the Doctor Who universe.

The theory has a lot to offer in terms of evidence to support that Mary Poppins could be a Time Lord. Her iconic umbrella is suggested to be an amalgamation of a TARDIS and a Sonic Screwdriver, considering it is both her transportation and a personality in and of itself, just like the Doctor’s relationship with his tools. Beyond that, the theory suggests that her magical bag, which is bigger on the inside, is made of Gallifreyan technology, and that makes sense as the TARDIS is also bigger on the inside.

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Mary Poppins Umbrella

The evidence goes on, claiming that Bert was one of Mary Poppins’ companions, which is why he says “with a snap of her fingers, she can take you to worlds you haven’t dreamed of.” This is also backed by the fact that Mary and Bert have a long history, which is hinted at throughout the movie.

She seems to jump from place to place, never settling in one spot, which is exactly what the Doctor does in Doctor Who. While it may seem like a coping device to not get close to people, it could also be because their homeworld is long destroyed, leaving the remaining Time Lords to wander the galaxies alone.

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There’s a bunch of small details that help affirm the theory, from Mary Poppins having an affinity for hats, to how quick she is to make her exit after helping those in need. However, the most damning piece of evidence is actually a photo taken by Google Streetview. If one looks closely, Mary Poppins seems to be standing in Cardiff near the Roald Dahl Plass, which is the roof of Torchwood in the Doctor Who universe. It also happens to be where the Doctor refuels his TARDIS, so might not be a total coincidence that she’s standing there. Perhaps her umbrella needed a top-off before she went off to nanny another set of children.

Ultimately, this fan theory seems plausible. Mary Poppins shares an uncanny amount of similarities to the Time Lords of Doctor Who. Her personality is eerily similar to that of the Doctor — elusive, mysterious, but always generous and understanding. From all of her little oddities to the weird and magical devices that she carries, Mary Poppins certainly seems like a Time Lord. That photo from Google Streetview also definitely solidifies that the Reddit user who posted this theory isn’t alone; there seem to be many people out there who believe that she’s from Gallifrey.

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