We had the pleasure of interviewing Aliza Pearl actor, writer, GM/DM all about her work and creative journey!
Q: What are your top 3 Dungeons and Dragons classes?
A: Barbarian (for simplicity and fun raging), sorcerer (for when you just wanna have fun with spells), and druid (love my nature babies)
Q: Who just missed the cut?
A: Bard, bc I have yet to play one in a full campaign!
Q: What is your favourite convention that you’ve attended?
A: Definitely Star Trek Las Vegas. Nothing can describe the excitement of being at that event with all Star Trek fans, from all walks of life and generations, all gathered to celebrate our geeky love of Trek. I’m excited to go to Mission Chicago this year!
Q: Favourite convention you have yet to attend?
A: New York Comic Con. I love NYC, and used to live there, but have yet to go to the con.
Q: Describe a convention you would create and when it would be held.
A: A convention for gluten free Black Latinx Trekkies and gamemasters and actor/improvisers who rollerblade and ice skate, and it would just be me and maybe like 2 other people 😛
But seriously– some kind of plant convention, cuz I plan to buy a bunch of plants for my apartment and would love to stroll through a whole convention floor filled with greenery!
Q: What is your favourite part about participating in live RPGs?
A: The thrill of the unexpected. As much as I might plan as a GM/DM, I never ever know what will happen because my characters will bring things to the table that I haven’t thought of. It’s exciting, and I love this type of collaboration.
Q: At what point in your life did you realize you wanted to be in the industry?
A: Well I’ve been acting since high school, and decided to pursue acting professionally in my junior year of college. Everything I do now stems from my acting. I truly stumbled into being a professional on the geeky side of the entertainment industry via my love of space, scifi, Star Trek, and improv. So I guess just following my desires and interests helped me get out of my own way to find a place in the industry.
Q: When did you start acting on milestones that would get you closer and closer to what you wanted to do?
A: I feel like I’ve been doing that in small and large ways, all along the path. Whether it’s finishing a script, creating a gaming setting from scratch, connecting with other artists and creators– as long as I’m following my creativity, it’s all in service of the greater goals.
Q: Did you ever deal with self-doubts and how (if so) did you overcome them?
A: Absolutely, and I still do. What helps me is the reminder that today is just today. Tomorrow will be a new day, a new chance to try again. I don’t have to get everything done all at once, and likely won’t. So pacing myself and working consistently towards my goals helps me beat back the self doubt.
Q: Fill in the blank: We’re at the Academy Awards and you’ve just won BEST _. Who’s presenting you with your award?
A: I won Best Actress for an incredible juggernaut of an Afrofuturistic film or limited series, which launches an entire franchise. Janelle Monae presents the award (and is a producer on the film/series) 😄
Bonus Questions
Q: Sci-Fi Channel or SyFy Channel?
A: I grew up without cable, so I truly don’t know!
Q: If Mirabel Madrigal asked you about Bruno, what would you say?
A: I went on a date with him. He was quirky but I could tell he had a good heart. Until he told me how the world ends, and like…. I don’t need that kind of negativity in my life, bro.