“in/habitants” is now available on WEBTOON for those who are interested in checking out a new comic. You can learn more about who they are HERE! Episode two “Just trying to fit in” follows Helen again. But what will happen to her after crashing into an expensive car.
The man comes out of her car and expresses his anger. She begins to panic and the man she hit soon takes her info and calls someone named Mike. She drives home, showers and begins to stress about everything that just happened to her. Laying down she looks at her phone and sends over the videos to the man who requested her pictures. He sends her money through cryptocurrency. Then she receives a voicemail from the man she hit. Helen soon realizes she owes him $8,900.
This episode truly teaches the readers not to use your phone while driving. Although Helen thought she was in a safe space with no one around she still managed to hit a car. No one’s life was in danger however what she did could have ended up ten times worse. A life could have been lost. Paying for the consequences now, Helen realizes how much she truly messed up. Just like episode one of “in/habitants” the artwork truly brings the reader into the world the characters are living in.
Desperate for help, Helen calls her boss Robbie. She tells him exactly what happened. Offering her an extra shift he expresses his concern for her. She tells him about crypto and he just reminds her to stay safe. Then two young men enter the restaurant and tell Robbie he needs to learn about crypto as well. Helen arrives home after her shift and her neighbor gives her a package that was addressed to her.
“in/habitants” Episode two truly showcases how one event can lead to another. Helen’s life continues to spiral. Will Helen have the money to pay back the customer and the car? What is in the box? “in/habitants” illustrates the struggles faced in any given moment.
Website – https://inhabitants.zone/
Webtoon Series – https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/inhabitants/list?title_no=782434