“in/habitants” is available on WEBTOON, perfect for anyone looking for a comic that showcases daily struggles. You can learn more about who they are HERE! Episode three “It is not a gun” is a backstory episode. This gives the readers an insight into the lore of “in/habitants”
Opening up the story is Helen again. She opens the packages and a note is in it. The note in summary tells her that the man she hit was using the accident as a way to make more money. There is also an invitation to join a group who share common ideas about the world. Along with the note included eth and a mask with bunny ears. Not knowing who this came from Helen puts on the mask. Then the comic goes into a backstory.
The story follows a young boy who’s father is an engineer. The young boy expresses how he loves machines and his father is a huge inspiration to him. As time passed the family became rich. Invited to many diners the young boy expressed to his dad he would rather spend time in the workshop than dealing with diners. The son and father are driving now in their nice car and are pulled over by the police.
The father expresses how this is something they always have to deal with and tells the son to not say anything. This episode truly illustrates how racism still exists in today’s society and how some people still base off crimes based on someone’s skin color. When the father expresses how this is something he deals with a lot the readers should start to question their own world. Most comics and novels avoid putting important messages in their story however “in/habitants” does not avoid putting real life issues in their comic.
The police then use force demanding the son and father to tell them who’s car it is. They then search the back and find one of the fathers engineer creations in the back. He expresses not to touch it, however no one listens and one of the officers ends up getting injured. Eric the young boy reaches for the remote to stop the creation the police tampered with and the policeman assumes it was a gun. They shoot at him leaving him unconscious. The father is also shot at since the police assume he is also a threat. Now in the hospital it is revealed that Eric lost his arm and his father passed away.

This episode is an extremely impactful one. Not only does it touch upon racism, social class, police brutality, but it also showcases what can happen if someone who did not commit a crime is accused. Eric now is missing an arm. Real life stories like the movie “Soul Surfer” which showcases a famous surfer Bethany Hamilton who lost her arm in a surfing accident, showcase the struggle of losing an arm. Eric is going to have to completely relearn how to live. This is important to show in a comic because a lot of media does not showcase what it is like to lose something like an arm. Along with his arm he also lost his father. “in/habitants” Episode three is extremely powerful and is a must read.
Website – https://inhabitants.zone/
Webtoon Series – https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/inhabitants/list?title_no=782434